" God d----n America! " infamously said Reverend Jeremiah Wright, President Obama's pastor- from a pulpit no less.
Whether he's "former" remains to be seen.
Many in his generation and mine ( I'm Gen X ) have been taught to fixate on American wrong to the exclusion of American right!
Fortunately there's a Congressman whose patriotic bellow threatens to drown out Wright, Farrakhan and even Rev Al Sharpton if they're not careful!
His name is Col. Alan West, US Army ( ret ) and in him a newly muscular AMERICAN Black nationalism stands poised to do battle with the Left's decidedly anti-American Black nationalism.
This conflict is long overdue.
Legitimate grievances over past discrimination were hijacked by a clique whose racist rhetoric puts old segregationist venom to shame.
As a student at a historically Black college ( topic for another Time, I promise lol ) I like many was courted by Black nationalists while I and others enjoyed our discovery period about all the history we didn't learn in majority population public nor private schools.
Fortunately, like my grand father did the 40s when White communists tried to recruit him, I too didn't take the bait. While Afrocentric my end game was always full citizenship -not destroying America in revenge.
My grand parents were strong moderates as was my mother, so there were no radical influences in my household. Racism was quite evident where I lived but Black folks pre-Crack Invasion infrastructure offered various safe havens.
Four hours down the interstate Allen West grew up in Atlanta, Georgia's shining city of a hill to paraphrase Ronald Reagan.
His strength of purpose was forged by a conservative upbringing to fight for, not against, America! While not atypical it's still unusual in an era when most future Black spokesmen use socialism to ascend to stardom.
Anti-American Black nationalists have enjoyed center stage since the 1960s in our community while an enabling middle class quietly cheers out of ear shot of employers and White friends.
West's American Black nationalism almost reminds me of what Malcolm X could have been had his " X " stood for American Exceptionalism!
Can you imagine a debate between Col West and Farrakhan? It'd be on par with the Ali/Foreman boxing epic!
How about Allen West verses New Black Panther Party head Malik Zulu Shabazz? The very sight of such a battle royale would transform many urban men from resentment toward their country to supporting it!
American Black nationalism as exemplified by Allen West is just the right approach at just the right time. Where the justified caution of Booker T. Washington or Justice Clarence Thomas left off, aggressive patriots can take over.
Like its opponent, American Black nationalism can get loud.
Unlike its opponent American Black nationalism turns up the volume in defense of America and that's the difference that makes all the difference in the world!
Allen West style Black nationalism focuses on being loudly, proudly American!
The good news is he isn't the only brother who thinks this way!

Cap Black The Hood Conservative
NADRA ENZI AKA CAP BLACK promotes creative crime prevention through getting urban men to Make Peace with America!
http://www.facebook.com/GoodCitizensSupportingGoodCops?ref=hl Good Citizens Supporting Good Cops ( C2 ) is my police/community unity group & Face Book page.
Call if you'd like to assist my Hood Conservative efforts which rescues ENDANGERED traditional values like respect for the law and FIRST ourselves inside " OCCUPIED TERRITORY ( THE INNER CITY! ) " * I can also run down to the nearest Western Union too! LOL
Call if you'd like to assist my Hood Conservative efforts which rescues ENDANGERED traditional values like respect for the law and FIRST ourselves inside " OCCUPIED TERRITORY ( THE INNER CITY! ) " * I can also run down to the nearest Western Union too! LOL
(504) 214-3082