Did you know that America was born under the sign of Aquarius? In Astrologer’s Handbook, under Aquarius: “Individuals born under the sign of brotherhood and fraternity have as their symbol the water-bearer, who spills out to mankind the life force and spiritual energy.” Note that it is the individual, not the group or the nation that is blessed. The individual goes with the Declaration of Independence and the U. S. Constitution.
There is nothing in America’s law that supports “the good of all,” or Marxism. Obama and company embrace the Muslim Brotherhood. Better to be friends than enemies, I agree, but for a totally different reason. There is no Christian, Jewish, or Muslim god. Socialism, sick control, is at the bottom of it. Jesus was not religious. His god was everyone’s God.
I was born Aquarius rising. In The Rising Sign, under Aquarius: “When this sign is on the Ascendant, the individual has a unique approach to life that makes him somehow ‘different’ from other people. He may be a most unique personality, or be so far ahead of his time that he is accused of being eccentric.” The law is not meant to treat all people alike. “For the good of all” is far the good of central control. I’m for the individual, in word and deed.
The rising sign differs from the sun sign. We grow into the rising sign. I reached Aquarian maturity when my business enterprise failed and at the same time my wife divorced me. The Rising Sign, under Aquarius: “He can brand himself a maverick or an oddball. He screams to the world, ‘Don’t fence me in.’”
I blamed government for everything. The only way I could get at SOBs was through the IRS. I let it be known to America’s tobacco chewing attorney general, strictly from the sticks Saxbe, that I was going to take the IRS to court on constitutional grounds. Saxbe spit tobacco juice at my idea and sent my letter to the IRS. The bumbling IRS then made a “mistake” and overtaxed me. Not too smart. But that’s imbecilic government for you. Government is mindless. You ought to know that. Government does not know you from an insect. Says the EPA, the United States does things the way the Romans did. Yes indeed! Why do you sit abound crying? I don’t have hive mentality. I don’t allow that. The IRS ended hanging itself with its own rope. The IRS got this nobody’s boot in its rear. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. Keep that in mind.
Who do they think they are? I’d like to bring to mind the opening words of the U.S. Constitution: “We the People of the United States, on Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
Also, America’s leaders gave the American people something quite unique, a document of individual rights known as the Bill of Rights, the means of preventing misconstructions or abuse of the government’s powers. The Bill of Rights was further declaration, and restrictive clauses that America’s leaders added to give the American people confidence in government.
The overwhelming majority of Americans have little or no confidence in their government. But we are dumbed down. Today’s American government does not care a whit whether or not we are confident in what they do. The elected figure they have us where they want us.
The Fifth Amendment (in the Bill or Rights) includes these words: “nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; that is, being heard in a meaningful way in a meaningful place. Your makers and keepers of the law conveniently did away with this clause. I know this from personal experience. The courts all rule that the case of confiscatory taxation was heard long ago and there is no reason for it to be heard again, as a matter of policy—policy—not the ordained and established Constitution—their unconstitutional policy “in light of today’s needs” (their needs). I’m here to tell you I didn’t let the frauds get away with their unconstitutional acts.
It took my case to the press. An investigation was made. The IRS admitted that it had been mistaken for eleven years. My case was before the U. S. Tax Court, three U.S. District Courts, the U. S. Court of Appeals, and the U.S. Supreme Court, all of whom let the IRS mistake stand. This tells you that if you don’t demand and act, soon enough your champions of freedom and democracy you elect to high office will leave you with zero rights.
Has a single one of the people you elect to high office said he or she wants you to have the right to be heard on your taxes in a meaningful way in a meaningful place? No, not one them. Before you vote for any of them, would it not be wise to make everyone of those you elect sign a pledge that he or she will see to it that you, as a taxpayer, will be heard before the IRS acts to take your property? It could be the difference of being taxed out of existence. They will do it if you let them.
I stood up for my rights. I had a bigger than life calling. I’m living a charmed life. I’ve written a book of memoirs I’ve named In Earth as It Is in Heaven2012. It will be out this June. My hand wrote the book, but it was not my mind; it was of the law of all times, the God of all times, and the cutting edge of science speaking to you.