America S A V E AMERICA! The Curse:

Yeah brother, that's exactly the Plan of the Evil One himself to do.
Divide and Conquer. Steal, Kill, and destroy.
People play it off as some kind of a Joke.
The Entire world is giving us, We The People tidbit hints of what we
should be expecting this administration to do and perform, right out
of the Eternal Playbook, The Bible.
Prophesy is not a laughing matter. But, tell that to our Clergy across
the board, they say, not now, not until, not, not, not.
It's harboring upon rediculous. And we even pay them with our Tithes
and Offerings. Yet, they back our government only in namesake, placing
upon the hoards of believers in this country Blame, Shame, and Guilt for
1) Not or Failure to Tithe, yet, Jesus never -- uh hmm, N E V E R spoke one
word about the Tithes, offerings, love gifts (other than love one another)
2) Taxes, saying, well Jesus told Peter to catch the first fish, take the coin out
of it's mouth and pay the Tax. singular tax. And that unto Ceasar. Not the
IRS, HOA's, City, State, Federal, County, Municipal, etc
Jesus said, Render unto Ceasar what is Ceasars (our bodies, toil, work, etc)
and Render unto God what is Gods! (our souls, sacrificial servitude to our
fellow man, widows, orphans, and strangers, which in this age are the
homeless, destitute, hungry, Water, Food, Shelter, Clothing, Visitations in
Jails, Prisons, Hospitals, their own homes, etc)
We are at a Turning Point in America, yet everyone wants someone else to
step in and do the dirty work so they can lounge in the fruits of others labors.
Well, look where it has gotten us. 80 Million unemployed or nearing that Blacks.
55 Million Hispanics/Latino's bucking for everything that moves. God only knows
how many Chinese, Vietnamese, Arabs, etc, the list goes on.
It started with ease of entry back in the day after WWII. And that is the exact
time we should have had Immigration Reform. Pass the proverbial Buck is
what our leaders did then, and they still do now.
We have before us a Golden Opportunity to turn back the tide in America
if people would just buck up with one another, trust one another and do
even 3-7 hours of real Bronco Busting work for the common good.
Canvasing towards getting people out to vote.
Helping one another by monies assistance to their fellows in harms way.
This would Yes include the dead beat moms and dads in this country.
Where, once discovered they OWE are refused job placement for the company's
own fear of the Court System in this country. No hire, No job, No child support
payment, Plenty of Jail time, no real Days for Dollars towards payment, just a
Felony Charge and they still owe the monies.
Do the math.
How many millions of inmates behind bars doing time for drug violations, simple
possession. Non-violent, and most cases were either in the wrong place and time
or some SNITCH turned states evidence to clear their punk lilly white asses.
Yet, they're recieving Days for Dollars. But not so for the DeadBeat Parent.
Nope. Just Days and a Felony Rap. Simple mathmatics eh?
No one wants to hear about it, thinking it will never happen to them
and I pray to God for their sakes it never does.
This country needs to wake up.
Threats don't work. Even those that do work are milking their jobs
just for the simple Cash Cow mentality.
What happened to fairness in this country?
The Unemployed are drawing checks for up to 99 weeks.
Back in the day, when I did recieve unemployment, 26 weeks tops.
Even as late as 1996 it was like that.
Now, folks in AZ are sweating bullets for fear their 99 weeks of getting
paid for doing nothing attitude, will be shot down to a loatesome 78
Oh Waaaaaaaaaaaah! Too bad, so sad.
I've been turned down 4 times here in AZ for my entitlements of
Unemployment Insurance. I worked. Lost jobs legitimately, Filed
claims forms and jumped through hoops for these idiots with 6
fingers on each hand, all for naught.
Oregon State had it right. Allow them to recieve a one-time Lump
Sum payment of all their entitled insurance claims to start small
businesses. And it must have worked, for haven't heard word one
about it since.
Nope, dear brother, part of this proverbial curse We All have brought
upon ourselves to a certain respect.
Oh, I'm not leaving out the Fed, State, etc gov't,s Hell no.
But, to play Tiddly Winks with the very LIVES of American People,
Their Bread Winners of this Great Nation is beyond Travesty. Its SIN!
Not A sin neither. S I N ! ! ! ! !
America Needs America right now, and from now on.
Free lunches for Students up to age 18, sure, and God Bless them.
Free Health Care for that same age group, sure.
Same as for the elderly, homeless, dysenfranchised.
The RETRAINING of America is the initial Key to a successful and
Sustainable future.
But, these corporations farming out any and all brand new jobs
that hit the market is terribly wrong.
Any Corporation doing that is just the same as a Contractor stopping
in the middle of traffic to pick up an illegal immigrant for a cheap days
labor, not wanting to hire a legitimate American to do the honest days
work for the honest days wage. They are One In The Same.
Bring back the Big Unions Nationwide and see this garbage go away.
If need be, bring back the Mafia, American Style. Enlist the KKK to
help control the streets of America.
I have HIGH HOPES for this country. But the time is short for us to
make our move.
Most say it is way too late.
Bull Pucky!
You're alive and breathing aren't you?
You're still able bodied to work if given the REAL chance to show
your stuff, aren't you?
I am.
I was Born Ready.
Lets Do This!
Larry the Cable Guy don't fail me now.
Git R' Done! ! ! ! ! !

Always in Christ, Always AMERICAN

America S A V E AMERICA!

Max Simon Uhrig
San Tan Valley, AZ
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