America's Cause v. The United States

4063234986?profile=originalSenator Rick Santorum’s wife says her husband has a bigger than life calling. I get the feeling that this couple would be good servants to God and country.

Until you have a cause bigger than your own, you are a likely victim of mindless power, and subject to all manner of evil intentions. The news pundits say that the economy is more on people’s minds than social issues.  That may be, but I say they are putting the cart before the horse, giving us the wrong leads. I do not speak as an advocate of the religious right.  Jesus, my savior and redeemer, spoke for all people. Jesus delivered the message of the spiritual force that rules the universe.  Jesus said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God.”  We are born knowing only our own needs. If we’re on our path of destiny we end this life selfless.  We merge with the state of universal consciousness.

My life, the one I now enjoy, began when I read law professor Edward S. Corwin’s The “Higher Law” Background of American Constitutional Law. At the time, my life was in ruins. My second wife was divorcing me. My business enterprise was on the rocks.  I blamed government.  I studied the Constitution with the intention of taking action.  It was my intent that made me feel that voices of the past were speaking to me.  My grievance became my bigger than life calling. I sublimated my anger and turned from loser to winner. At age eighty-six, life doesn’t get any better. My book of memoirs, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012, is a story you don’t hear. It is a story of personal empowerment.  My publisher says it will be available in late April.  

 Yesterday, I reported a lawless act of the FDA. The wrong Dr. Wright did was to give people vitamins when there were chemical cures for their diseases.  The vitamin cures had a record of success. The chemical cures were subject to side effects and even death.  It’s the old story of money and power.  Once the disease of raw power takes over a society, that society is in peril.

I wrote the Attorney General of the United States that his government was unconstitutionally taxing me. At the time, there was a national tax protest. My letter was forwarded to the IRS.  I was called a “Fifth Amendment freak.”  The IRS hung itself with its own rope.  This “tax protester” forced the United States to admit on the front page of The Palm Beach Post  that it had mistakenly been taxing me for eleven years. I’d been before the U.S. Tax Court, three U.S. district courts, the U.S. Court of Appeals and the U.S. Supreme Court.  The system of justice expediently looked the other way.  What you hear on the news is the result of your government ignoring the law.

I proved my case on the front page of  The Palm Beach Post.  The result was a letter from the IRS stating that my wife owed $35,000 in unpaid tax, penalty, and interest, and if we did not immediately pay the IRS was authorized to take our home and everything else we had to pay the tax.  The IRS was later forced to admit they made another mistake.  When you know that your government can make unlimited mistakes and get away with it, what do you do?

Apply the question to the German people when Hitler’s Brown Shirts were intimidating the people—when the German people saw Hitler persecuting Jews.  If they were not Jews not to worry,  and the Jews deserved what they got. They owned more than ninety percent of Germany’s businesses. The Jews caused Germany’s financial collapse.  When oppression takes over, there is always someone to blame.  In America and Europe today, capitalists are to blame.  Observe the result. Sharia law is on the move.

We are talking about earth, a speck of dust. Let’s talk about conscious awareness. The kingdom of God is universal awareness, and you are privileged to limit your awareness.  Jesus said you can’t serve two masters.  You have a choice, the masters of deceit, or God. My dreams all came true.  Was it the luck of the draw?  I chose God.

I learned only last night that babies born today have a one in twenty chance of experiencing an asteroid striking the planet.  It is believed that a rock from the heavens wiped out dinosaurs.  I was in the Bermuda Triangle in a violent storm, and far off course. I was at the helm of my sloop Bold Venture.  My destination appeared on the horizon.  My three friends and I sailed through breaking seas into Lake Worth Inlet, Palm Beach, Florida. My friends called it a miracle.  From dust to dust, but the mass equivalence of energy, each with a special purpose, a karmic mission, I was saved for a reason.

The odds of our planet being here are millions to one, our lives the same.  The cutting edge of science tells us that there is a dimension of infinite possibility, one wherein reality, not quite here, can become anything—and that we, as observers, create our reality.  That view changes everything we’ve been taught to believe. It is personally empowering.  We are not to meet the fate of dinosaurs.  

Voices of the past speak to me. In the year 2012, from creatures of the planet Earth, I tell you that we will begin transforming—not to the government dependants Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood envision—but to became what we were meant to be, creatures of the galaxies.   

Little wonder that the makers and keepers of the law are doing all they can to discredit the welcoming committee from elsewhere that is already here in growing numbers. Young people are looking for things that make them feel good.  Stay away from those losers on the street.  Jesus said: “Rejoice and be exceeding glad. . .”   You are here at the dawn of the Age of Aquarius, an age of spiritual growth and brotherhood.


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