America's Fairness Doctrine

4063467886?profile=originalYou would not go to the city dump to look for something you could use. The majority of the American people look to government for survival answers—not national survival, but personal survival.  The answers they receive suck up the individual’s energy and redistribute it with the idea of fairness in mind—with the idea that it is not fair for some to live like kings and the working stiff to live a pauper’s life.  This very idea beaten into our brains is the sole reason the rich are getting richer and the poor poorer.  

Both conservative and liberal politicians are quick to admit that the income tax is unfair.  In their effort to make it more fair, they constantly make it more complex, the equivalence of picking through the city dump for a broken contraption that might be fixed to work.  Amerca’s junk pickers give us miserable failures at a very high cost. Nothing new is being offered by either political party. Time is running out.

On the O’Reilly show this evening, a democratic strategist said that O’Reilly and Romney earn about the same about of money, but O’Reilly pays double the tax Romney pays, the reason being that Romney’s income is capital gain.  That isn’t fair.  Romney should pay the same tax as O’Reilly, said the strategist.  I started thinking about that idea and came up with the following thoughts.

Romney was fortunate. There was no lead pipe cinch that he would profit from his private enterprise. Romney could have lost his fortune.  Many extremely smart business people who invest their hard earned money in a private enterprise lose their capital investment.  They have the class warfare advocates against them. Too bad, says income tax law.  Inflation causes a capital gain when no gain was made. None of this is fair, but you don’t hear politicians bringing this to our attention.  All you hear from the city dump pickers is how greedy and self-serving the rich are.

Apple is the most profitable company in America.  People eagerly spend their money on the things Apple produces. Is that not fair?  City dump advocates want equal distribution of wealth. There went Apple.

How about replacing income tax with a tax on spending—eliminate capital gains tax? Oh no, cry city dump advocates, that would be unfair to the poor.  The American people must have been behind the door when the brains were passed out.  A word to the wise: If I were you, I wouldn’t count on the replacement of Obama being a cure for what ails the American people.  Romney is an entrepreneur. If the man wants a blue suit, turn on the blue lights.

I cut from the herd, went on my own, looked within for my answers.  Mysteriously, when everything I had done went wrong, everything  I did went right.  How could that be? According to city dump advocates, everything should have gone wrong.  When you are in Rome, you do as the Romans do. I beat them at their own game. I’m just a “Ping Pong Papa from Pitchfork Prairie, but you oughtta see me do my stuff.”  I’ve written a book that tells you what happened after I went on my own.  In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012: an explanation for the underlying mechanism of creation will be available, says my publisher, by this June.

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