Imagine a super-smart; super strong every man; war hero; former police commissioner; who topped it all off by becoming president of the United States!!
Doc Savage? No.

Definitely Superman, right? Nope
Batman? Gotta be Batman? Not even!
Teddy Roosevelt holds this distinction of being a larger-than-life example of what America can really produce!
President Roosevelt reminds us how using our nation's super principles can produce results just as miraculous as those of fictional super heroes.
Our values produce real life super heroes of every size, shape and color. This universal wealth is what allows Americans to triumph.
As two political parties peacefully ( for the most part lol ) battle for the White House during a really bad economy it's worth remembering that America, for all her faults, is still a super hero nation!
Have you found your "super " today?
Cap Black, The Hood Conservative
(504) 214-3082
Cap Blacks Make Peace With America Fundraiser!
#HoodConservative Online Newspaper Traditional Values From The 'Wrong" Side of Town!
#CapBlackTheHoodConservative Blog Defiant Defenses of Traditional Values Amid Black America's Cultural Implosion!
" Be your OWN Superhero!"
TR was a progressive and not a hero. He set the stage for what we have today in OBama, starting with W. Wilson, FDR and the Democrat Socialist Party of today. Get rid of all of them on a rail/tar and feather if need be, amen.
When Obama leaves office in Jan. of 2013. We as a nation should deny him citizenship in this country. You all know and I know he will find a way to attempt to continue his activities anyway he can. He needs to be discredited severely with absolutely no civil service, presidential perks what so ever.
YES! MY SUPER HERO IS COL ALLAN WEST! I'm a bit of a racist, but with him, I feel different! I would pay a fortune just to have a beer with him!! The way Obama has played the blacks against the whites, it has certainly made racism rear it's ugly head! OBAMA a true uniter! My ass! Let's get rid of him, so we can get our country back to normal! Everybody helping each other! Going to church on Sundays, putting God back in schools ! Freedom FROM religion? NO!! freedom OF religion!
Amen Mellie Cap Black is a true patriot he tells it like it is