Seems to me if ppl wanted to fix the problem over illegal imigration all thay have to do is make a stand and demand thire local goverment to file law suites against mexico for all the money they have spent on illegals in thire states, health care cost, cost of education, defaulted loans, feeding them, the list could go on forever, legal cost in our courts it gos on and on , this great nation was made up and still is yet today made of legal ppl of all color and creed, the door is open in the front not the back. this action would put a great ease on the nation as a whole would stop goverment from dipping into social security to feed and suport ppl that are not to be here in the first place, mexico needs to step up to the plate and suport its ppl, why didnt obama and hillary report mexico for human rights violation. seems to me that was the right thing to do. and as far as anchor babies go thire shouldnt be such a thing i mean my god the 14th amendment was writen for the free slaves so they could have freedoms mr obama needs to look at black history a little more and invite some of his liberal friends to study it with him...and impose a tax on immigrants in this country this covers thire cost and what happened to social services looking to see if these wemen applying for hand outs have the father in the home i say father because most dont marry they let the kid carry her last name so they can apply for goverment hand outs . come on unemployment all togather is at a record high we dont need visa workers here ither or temporay citizens american jobs for american citizens, and plz god do away with temporary work shops what do we have unemployment offices for use a tri state system ,and what happen to the welfare to work program seems like that was a great program..... lets get it right not wrong protect your religious morales,money,jobs,and your childrens future stop wasteful spending at a great starting place illegal imigration. sue mexico they can aford it just send us the wired money thire illegals and drug traffickers are makeing . come on ppl all mexico it doing is trying to take this country over a little at a time i know i hear mexicans say it all the time they laugh at us they make heros out of murders i know ive heard them say we are taking this country and useing our laws to do it thay laugh about the alimo, look into it they publish thire own news thats why we need english only and if your here the right way thire are programes to teach you.
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