Mario has my vote!
Posted on National Review Online-By MARIO LOYOLA-On July 6, 2011:
“Let’s say for argument’s sake that the Israeli military blockade of Gaza is illegal, and that the Gaza flotilla is therefore justified. That still would not alter the fact that both the blockade and the attempt to breach it forcibly are military actions.
The perennial ritual now gathering in the Eastern Mediterranean — a flotilla of small craft hoping to bring relief supplies to the Palestinians of the Gaza strip — is an act of war, and quite possibly a violation of U.S. law.
The flotilla’s purpose is not humanitarian. The residents of Gaza are drowning in international charity. Any humanitarian aid can readily make it to Gaza without threatening or provoking anybody. The aid need only disembark in Israel, go through an Israeli checkpoint to make sure no dangerous items are in the baggage, and then make its merry way to any part of the Gaza strip that the Hamas terrorist government may deign to make available. And now that the new government of Egypt has permanently opened the Rafah crossing, aid shipments can easily come through Egypt, no matter what they’re actually carrying.
Even more telling, the flotilla will be carrying laughably little aid, especially when compared with the huge volumes of aid that pass through Israeli and Egyptian checkpoints (and tunnels) into Gaza every day.
It is not a “relief” operation in any serious sense of the term. What the flotilla will be carrying quite a lot of is anti-Israeli activists, some of them possibly armed with “defensive” weapons for use against any Israeli attempt to board the flotilla.
Some of those activists are Americans. You will remember their type from college protests. Many of them are pitifully innocent activists who can’t believe that anybody would oppose “justice” in such a black-and-white case. They believe that the Palestinians are a subjugated people, crushed under an unbearable and criminal occupation, tortured daily by an evil Israeli regime with a mountain of war crimes on its head. Their explicit intention is to challenge the Israeli military, as a supreme expression of solidarity with the Palestinians.
The activists are right about one thing: This is a black-and-white case. There are few conflicts in history in which one side was more clearly in the wrong, and the other more clearly in the right, than in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. On one side, there is a diverse coalition of people dedicated to peace, tolerance, democracy, and the rule of law, which has been mercilessly abused and attacked for 100 years. On the other is an obscurantist, homophobic, racist, misogynistic, fascistic, and murderous political movement that persecutes homosexuals, represses women, and glorifies the murder of children in their sleep. The activists are right — the Israeli–Palestinian conflict is about good vs. evil — they’re just confused as to which is which.
The Israeli naval blockade is firmly anchored both in international law and in the peace process. It has been endorsed by Egypt, the Palestinian Liberation Organization (a.k.a. the “Palestinian Authority”), the European Union, and the United Nations Security Council.
A fundamental premise of the peace process is that changes to the status quo left behind by the 1967 Six-Day War must be negotiated. Every issue relevant to the blockade of Gaza is a subject of negotiation. On the successful settlement of those issues depends a lasting settlement of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. Protecting the peace process and seeing it through to fruition are vital U.S. interests. This is why Turkey’s tacit support for last year’s flotilla was so reckless. That is also why the Greek government’s refusal to let the flotilla set sail from Greek ports this year is so welcome.
Under U.S. criminal law, providing any sort of “material support or resources” to a foreign terrorist organization is punishable by up to 15 years in prison. U.S. prosecutors have concluded several successful prosecutions for aiding Hamas in recent years. The flotilla’s foolish participants should know that they are dangerously close to committing felonies, and that they could be prosecuted.
They fully deserve it, whatever their admittedly gross ignorance. They are trying to get involved in an international conflict on the side of one of the most evil political movements known to man. Christopher Hitchens recently noted Hamas’s official endorsement of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. “This disgusting fabrication,” he writes at Slate, “is a key foundational document of 20th-century racism and totalitarianism, indelibly linked to the Hitler regime in theory and practice. It seems extraordinary to me that any ‘activist’ claiming allegiance to human rights could cooperate at any level with the propagation of such evil material.”
Having attended the University of Wisconsin, I don’t find much of anything extraordinary about a group of misguided, ignorant, and deeply confused young activists trying to agitate for what they think is a just cause. But confusion is no defense to the law.
Those who provide aid and comfort to Hamas are enemies of the state, and should be dealt with accordingly.
- Mario Loyola is a frequent contributor to National Review.”
Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
I. Six Expelled at Airport; 200 Stopped Abroad!-Posted on Israel National News-By Maayana Miskin-On July 8, 2011: Video: Israeli Official Condemns Gaza Flotilla!
III. Video: Obama Admin Warns of Fines and Incarceration for Gaza Aid Flotilla!
IV. Video: Gaza Flotilla boat stopped by Greek coast guard!
V. French Jihad Flotilla Eludes Righteous Greek Crackdown, Heads For Gaza!-Posted on Atlas Schrugs-By Pamela Geller-On July 5, 2011:
VI. Obama Inspired Ship to Join IHH Gaza Flotilla!-Posted on Israel National News-By Gavriel Queenann-On June 3, 2011:
VII. Video: Socialists Explain How They Worked With Muslim Brotherhood In Revolutions!-Posted on NakedEmperorNews1-On May 31, 2011:
VIII. Egyptian Party Leader Claims Holocaust Is A Lie and 9/11 Was Made In The U.S.A.’!-Posted on The Blaze-By Billy Hallowell-On July 6, 2011:
IX. Netanyahu: Arab Democracy Would Solve the Problem of Peace!-Posted on Israel National News-By Elad Benari-On July 6, 2011:
X. Obama Losing Jewish Voters!-Posted on The Patriot Update-By Dick Morris-On July 6, 2011:
XI. Obama Cannot Perform Miracles in Mideast!-Posted on Israel National News-By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu-On July 5, 2011:
XII. CNN’s Fareed Zakaria Praises Obama’s Mideast Foreign Policy ‘Restraint’!-Posted on The Media Research Center-By Matt Hadro-On July 6, 2011:
XIII. CAIR Observatory: Exposing CAIR as an Unregistered Foreign Agent!-Posted on The CAIR Observatory-On July 6, 2011:
XIV. Virginia Rep. Wolf Requests IRS Probe Into CAIR Donations!-Posted on June 28, 2011:
XV. CAIR loses nonprofit status!-Posted on Politico-By Ben Smith-On June 23, 2011:
Note: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!
Is President Obama in on the Uprising in Egypt?
Is Israel the next Arab Facebook Campaign?
What are CAIRs obstructionist goals?
Nuclear Summit Part of Obama Administration’s ‘Fantasy Foreign Policy’!
Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial. Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.
“Food For Thought”
God Bless the U.S.A.!
Semper Fi!