The two greatest egomaniacs in the world—both one-worlders—meet in the White House for a talk, the one, head of the greatest creditor nation of all times, the other, Hu, who is the head of the greatest debtor nation of all times, guess who, but Hu will be calling the shots?
I’m a Tea Party member, whose head is the U. S. Constitution. Understand that ours is a nation of laws, not of men. For its background, our Constitution has the Higher Law of all times, under which the said two proponents for one-worldism are subservient.
You don’t believe me? Of course you don’t. You don’t know Smith v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue (1980) before the U. S. Supreme Court. The Commissioner admitted to the Supreme Court that he made an “error.” He didn’t go into any detail. My case was dismissed. Now you are going to hear more.
This nobody from Nowswhereville beat the Commissioner, made him eat crow before the whole world. I’m not a lawyer. No lawyer could have done what I did. It is all recorded. In fact, my case was published on December 1, 1986 on the front page of The Palm Beach Post, under “Taxpayer wages 11-year feud with IRS.”
Have you ever heard the IRS admit that our tax laws are lawless? Have you ever heard a Member of Congress admit America’s tax laws are lawless? Have you ever heard Obama admit that his thinking is lawless? Think what you can do with your Constitution. The above mentioned are always hard at work to make our tax laws more fair. The IRS made an “error” that took 11 years to correct. Why? Obama, you know, is for the good of all—“collective salvation,” he calls it.
The case I mention was before the U. S. Tax Court, three U.S. District Courts, the U. S. Court of Appeals and the U. S. Supreme Court, not one of which saw the IRS “error” as confiscation of property. As a matter of record, Justice Brandeis, a Roosevelt appointee, claimed, and I quote, “Property is only a means; it has been a frequent error of our Court that they have made the means the end.” It could not be said more clearly: America’s judges see IRS errors as a means to their end.
The Palm Beach Post, when presented with my court record, thought America’s judiciary position interesting and newsworthy, in that I had pointed out to the Post that the New York Times said government entitlements come before taxpayer rights.
The Post investigated. The Commissioner, through Holger Euringer in The Palm Beach Post, “Holger Euringer, IRS public relations officer in Jacksonville, said last week that the agency had been wrong all along and that Smith soon would receive a letter of apology from the IRS district director.”
By being the three monkeys who heard no evil, saw no evil, spoke no evil, every court in America, save the Court of Claims, sanctioned IRS “errors” in Smith v. Commissioner. It reminds us of Nazi Germany’s judges. The New York Times was right. Government entitlements come ahead of taxpayer rights. Therefore, do you have any idea of why the IRS would not say that government entitlements come ahead of taxpayer rights, would instead say that the IRS was “wrong all along?”
We cling to the idea that things are going fine. We have goals we want to achieve. We need to manipulate others to keep everything just right. Uncle Sam and her courts know that we don't want information that rocks the boat. We don’t appreciate negativism. We want to feel good—ignore the problems. They will go away. When the music stops, and it will, there are going to be a lot of people left standing.
In China, for the good of all, Mao killed 70 million people. Mao said they have that many to spare. Now China is America’s banker.
We are a religious people, the most generous people on earth, and proven to be the most helpless ever in the history of mankind. Thomas Jefferson, who authored the Declaration of Independence, was a secular humanist. He promoted human values without specific allusion to religious doctrine. I promote human values. I say that if the American people knew God and our Constitution we would not be plagued by Islam’s radicals; would not be the biggest creditor nation the world has ever seen, now going to China for financial help. The undeniable fact is that we don’t have the spine to stop that which we know is taking America out: we don’t know God. We’re religious; Islam is a religion. It’s an ill wind that blows no good.
Facts are stranger than fiction. The universe is not only mysterious, it is unbelievable. When it is absolutely proven beyond a doubt, people of religious faith refuse to see the truth. Case in point: Galileo proved beyond question that the earth was not at the center of the universe. The religious orthodoxy condemned Galileo.
From the study of the microcosmic, quantum physics has absolutely proven that there is a higher power than the local forces of gravity and electromagnetism. The orthodoxy says quantum physics is trying to smuggle God into physics. Quantum physics looks within atoms for it answers. When you want to know how something works you take it apart and examine the parts. God is not out there in the vastness of the universe or hidden within atoms. Says quantum physics: God is not in a place; God is the Super Consciousness of the universe without which the universe could not exist. We are inextricably connected with the consciousness of the universe. We reject it, instead invent various concepts of God.
We don’t know the Constitution. As far as we’re concerned, tt rests in a grass case in Washington, D.C—dead as a doornail. I saw the Constitution as a life-giving instrument to be used by the individual and proved that it works. Bottom line: all my dreams have come true. I come to you as a voice of experience, one who conquered the orthodoxy.
Because we don’t know our God-given rights under our Constitution, we are as divided as we were during the Civil War. A house divided cannot long stand. If we but knew that we, individually, hold the key to every situation; that we, individually, can make ourselves into anyone we choose to be, we would not have an out of control government begging China for financial help, would not be helpless government dependents if we knew and demanded our God-given rights.
China has money to lend. While we buy their stuff, while manufacturing jobs are disappearing wholesale in America, while China is buying America, if we don’t go along with China’s game plan, what then? We can’t pay our debts. The economy will melt down. How many times have we heard that?
In China they sleep in three high bunk beds, 30 or more to a room. They dine in huge cafeterias in the building where they sleep. They work in factories, in the building where they sleep. No question about it, the way of life in China is efficient. China’s government is the same as the queen bee. Keep borrowing and the Chinese will put a queen bee in America.
Your liberties are not automatic. One-worlders, for efficiency’s sake, and out of fairness to all the under-privileged in the world, want you to live in a hive, quite simply, for the good of the egomaniacs in control. Don’t look to Washington for answers; look to your Constitution—know your God-given rights—know that they supersede government entitlements—and then act. For if you don’t act, you have nobody to blame but yourself for a bankrupt America, and for the good of all, living like a hive insect.