American Propaganda in Overdrive: CNN Producer Admits Russia Narrative “Bullsh*T”, 3 Employees Quit Over Fake News

CNN Producer John Bonifield who was caught on hidden-camera admitting that there is no proof to CNN’s Russia narrative. He confirms that the driving factor at CNN is ratings:

Three Employees Resign From CNN Amid Very Fake News Scandal

By Matthew Boyle. Three CNN employees have resigned amid the network’s very fake news scandal in which it was forced to retract a hit piece on President Donald Trump and his associates.

“CNN said Monday that three journalists, including the executive editor in charge of a new investigative unit, have resigned after the publication of a Russia-related article that was retracted,” CNN’s Brian Stelter reported late Monday. “Thomas Frank, who wrote the story in question; Eric Lichtblau, an editor in the unit; and Lex Haris, who oversaw the unit, have all left CNN.”

Stelter quoted an anonymous CNN spokesperson—the network refused to comment to him on Sunday night over the scandal—as saying the network accepted their resignations. As Stelter acknowledged — not in this piece, but in his Sunday evening “Reliable Sources” newsletter — it was a Breitbart News investigation that forced CNN’s retraction and now the resignations of three top network officials. (Read more from “Three Employees Resign From CNN Amid Very Fake News Scandal” HERE)


CNN Is Imposing Strict New Rules on Its Russia Coverage

By Jon Passantino. CNN is imposing strict new publishing restrictions for online articles involving Russia after the network deleted a story and then issued a retraction late Friday, according to an internal email obtained by BuzzFeed News.

The email went out at 11:21 a.m. on Saturday from Rich Barbieri, the CNNMoney executive editor, saying “No one should publish any content involving Russia without coming to me and Jason [Farkas],” a CNN vice president . . .

The new restrictions also apply to other areas of the network — not just CNNMoney, which wasn’t involved with the article that was deleted and retracted. (Read more from “CNN Is Imposing Strict New Rules on Its Russia Coverage” HERE

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