I just learned that the Democrat National Convention will be opened with Muslim prayers. Not just any imam will deliver these prayers, it will be a Muslim connected to the 93 bombing of the World Trade Center, if my information is correct. No Christian prayer will be allowed at this point. When I heard this it stopped me dead in my tracks. When a political party in America stoops to these depths right in the face of every American citizen there is something dangerously wrong. This kind of arrogance, insult and betrayal indicates that those involved are without any loyalty to the United States of America. It opens the door to speculation that something very disturbing and dangerous is on the agenda of those with such little moral character. I do not know the minds of these traitors but I believe the Democrat party, by allowing such a thing to take place, has become an enemy of America. I firmly believe there is no limit to the dirty tactics and criminal acts this group will attempt to achieve complete unconstitutional control of our country. If they did not think they already "had it in the bag" they would never spit in the face of most Loyal Patriotic Americans both Republican and Democrat. If you care at all about your country, your home or your family it is time to be Loyal to America and to hell with the political parties. Is this the final chapter for freedom and liberty? Obama's heroes are those who kill Americans and attack your country, now decide

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