America's Fate

From the comment on my post on yesterday, I received an email from a Tea Party member a New Yorker, probably one of Sharpton’s supporters, informing me that Glenn Beck is a gas bag, thus prompting me to write today’s post. Beck’s evangelism attracted 500,000 ordinary, God-fearing, peace-loving Americans to the Lincoln Memorial, people who believe in God and country. When asked about this remarkable event, which he caused to happen, facing a camera, without batting an eye, the President said, “I didn’t watch the event. I’m not surprised.” We shouldn’t be surprised at this coming from Obama. Same as the Tea Party member who just had to let me know that Glenn Beck is a gas bag, the man in the Oval Office is whistling Dixie.

Years ago, I was invited to join a group experiment with twenty-three other people. We were each handed a paper to read that told of a problem we were to solve, as follows: Our plane crash lands in a remote forested region of northern Canada. The only place to land is on a small lake. The plane comes to rest a few feet from the shore. The temperature is just above freezing. None are injured. We wade ashore wet and cold.

The first thing to do is to build a fire. Luckily a passenger has a cigarette lighter. After getting dried out, a group of three is selected to find a way back to the nearest settlement, known to be around 25 miles to the south. The group returns with the report that the area is full of small lakes and streams. No telling how many miles we will have to walk.

Our group of twenty-four was divided into three, each of eight, to discuss how to solve the problem, take a vote and pick one member to join with the pick of the other two groups. These three were to discuss and vote on a plan.

After the plan was decided, a paper was read that was written from the advice of local hunters and trappers, which agreed with the plan adopted. The question: whether or not collective wisdom is better than the individual’s ideas.

Consider the following: Nicola Tesla, a man far ahead of his time, from an early age was extremely self-disciplined. Tesla had the uncanny talent for envisioning ways to construct a machine that would do what he wanted it to do. In his mind, he would work through the flaws and then build the machine without a blueprint. Tesla’s inventions, in many cases, were completely out of the realm of scientific theory.

Tesla changed the world with his inventions. This amazing man lived an obscure life and made few notes. Once he succeeded, something else exciting popped up to work on. No telling where we would be today if all of Tesla’s discoveries were known. Some called him mad. Tesla was one of a kind.

Where will the future of the world be with the death of free enterprise? America, along with the rest of the world, has been moving toward socialism. Today, one in six Americans exists on welfare. Many are uneducated Mexicans, here illegally. Think of how many people are incapable of coping on their own in today’s America. Alas, thousands of future welfare recipients are steaming across America’s southern border. The economy is suffering and the national debt is out of control. Still the push continues; that is, the lies, the frauds scheming, conniving politicians impose on the taxpayers for self-serving purposes.

The moment of truth is here. Is it to be self-discipline, self-reliance, and personal responsibility, or a big, all-powerful, corrupt government and zero personal rights? The decision will be made at the mid-term election, which is exactly two months from now.

Obama says history will prove him right. Where does history end? The first Americans came to a wilderness with the burning desire to be independent. All they asked for was the opportunity to build a life. They came from history: tyranny, hopeless poverty, zero opportunity. The American people, having listened to the spellbinders in Washington, D.C., had forgotten the power that lies within the individual. Is it to be socialist enslavement or the principles and values of the Founding Fathers? Like the morning sun burning off the mist, America is waking up to reality. The Obama Administration is not so powerful that it can change heaven and earth. Welcome to the Age of Aquarius.

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  • Im a Liebra... what are they... Literate?
  • Pisceans are tolerant. Aquarians are stubborn in their beliefs. Guess what? You lose. I win.
  • Meet the new boss same as the old boss. Barack is todays moron ... you don't get it, they all suck. The Dog and Pony show, Bush II suched, Clinton sucked, Bush I sucked...on and on and on I would have to go back to Lincoln to find a Statesman worthy of the American people. Do you realy think you will be offered a choice in the next presidential election, someone who is not bought and sold by special interest by eather of the two ruleing parties? Will Glen Beck tell you who that should be? perhaps Sara Palin why not she is as good a fool as any she evoks enough Folksey God & Country jingoism to please the NAS Car Nation long enough to put down there bear to go and vote. We can continue the ever crutial discussion of the deffinition of what a marrage "is" that should reduce trade defficets and bring jobs back to this country. Its all crap.. a side show nothing is getting acomplished. Look at current events in Arazona.. out of despiration for her State the The Honerable Jan Brewer acted decisivly to end illigal imagration in her State ... Bravo Jan you go girl Aplause Apluase .. only to have her rulings over ridden by the Federal Government Booo Hiss. No one involved in blocking Miss Brewers legislation should be re elected thats easy and I came to that conclusion on my owne with out the assistance of a radio talk show personality. Think for yourself if you agree with some of the thing's Glen Beck has to say thats fine but please realise he is owned by the neo conservative right and only one voice and from what I have herd not a very tollerant voice. We have to respect the fact that one of the core values of our country is Tollerance people fled to this country because of this core princaple to escaped tyranny we fought a Revolution to escaped tyranny . In the current Media debate about the "Ground Zero Mosque" this core value is being tested. Will we walk the walk or is freedom of religion in the USA just hollow words on an outdated document. Then we could perhaps deny some american there right to free speach because we don't like there religion as well? I came to these conclusions within seconds of hearing about the Mosque not because Obama said it was OK with him we just happen to agree on that topic... does this mean I think hes a great leader ... no he still hasent proven himself to be that ... do I think eather party can produce a true statesman? No not from what I see standing in the wings. Pointing fingers back and forth between the left and the right is not acomplishing anything and intollerance is born of frustration and fear and America has an abundance of both these days and I am sceptical of any Media Personality who looks to exploit this unfortunate situation.
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