America's Law is Hogwash

Prominent politician Mike Huckabee, on his Fox News show yesterday,  gave me prominent defense lawyer Alan  Dershowitz to talk about the Casey Anthony case. Dershowitz informed me that American justice is based legal precedence, not on moral or ethical principles.  Thus “reasonable doubt,” the golden rule of defense lawyers.  Hitler was legal. Were those who followed Hitler’s law innocent? No.


The law in practice in America is the reason America is morally and ethically going down the tube; why America is divided; why Sharia law is a threat.  Clearly, the American people, as well as the Anthony jury, are ignorant of the law.  Don’t listen to me. The lawyer’s dictionary, Black’s Law Dictionary, makes Dershowitz a bald-faced liar. Read for yourself under “lawful” that the law is based on morals and ethics.  Lies, the absence of truth, won a killer mother’s freedom.   


Legal is merely a form of law in practice, in America’s case, based on defense lawyers twisting the law. It is all about money. This non-conformist nobody, a  boat-rocker, the type that makes people nervous, has a record of shooting down the law in practice.  Would that I was the lawyer for the deceased child, Anthony would have gotten a life sentence.  But I didn’t get my legal training in a law school.


By the way, I was called for jury duty only once. I was foreman of the jury.  Half of the jurors were for the plaintiff, an individual who was taxiing his private plane in a restricted area.  He was blown over by the backwash of a jet being tested.  The airline defendant had insurance.  That was of no consequence.  I would not yield.  The half for the plaintiff were anxious to get on with their own thing.  Two hours of resisting them was all it took. Were I the foreman of the Anthony jury, the outcome would have been based on morals and ethics, not on legal precedence.


My law practice came from Law Professor Edwin S. Corwin’s essay, The “Higher Law” Background of American Constitutional Law. It came from my going to the county law library and personally reading the law and legal precedence. During my study of the law, I felt that voices of the past were personally speaking to me.  I heard nothing of what Dershowitz claims. I rattle cages. I win every time. Lawyer lose.  Voices of the past or Dershowitz? I beat the IRS lawyers. I beat the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser.  The county attorney and two lawyers from the State lost. I used Donald Trump’s case against the Property Appraiser.  I obtained a copy of it from the county clerk. I beat the attorney for the City of West Palm Beach, and the defendant’s lawyer, in two instances. I helped considerably in the replacement of the mayor. When a county judge saw me appear against my bank he recused himself.  He was the judge on property appraiser case.   Lawyers are professional liars.  They lie for money. I represent the truth.


 Judges are not trained for the truth.  They can’t deal with it. The same witnesses were brought to testify over and over in the Anthony case. What the hell was going on?  The father of the defendant broke down and cried uncontrollably when accused of being a bad father for the umpteenth time, while his daughter scowled and clicked a pen, the defense’s ploy to confuse the jury.


This comes to mind.  The United States is heading for the rocks. The great blizzard of 1839 inspired Longfellow to write the Wreck of the Hesperous.  Longfellow wrote, Wouldst thou know the secret of the sea. Only those who brave its dangers comprehend its mysteries. I spent two years at sea on a sloop I named Bold Venture.  While at sea on a small boat the universe’s energy concentrates in the individual.

 In August 1976, while sailing from Nassau in the Bahamas to Palm Beach, Florida with three friends, we sailed into Tropical Storm Dottie.  We experienced one of those talked about time warps, only instead of disappearing and never seen again, we were placed at our destination.  Seas were breaking completely across Lake Worth Inlet.  We sailed into the breakers. The sea behind us never broke. We slid down it into the inlet.

 I had studied the U. S. Constitution and felt that voices of the past were speaking to me.  I had a bigger than life calling. From that point on my life changed for the better. My blogs inform the public of what voices of the past tell me.

 Defense lawyer Alan Dershowitz is a professional liar. He is paid to establish reasonable doubt. American justice is the biggest scam of all times. It is not going to change unless and until the American people understand that freedom requires personal involvement.







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