Senator Reid says when the economy improves the Tea Party will go away. I have some thoughts on that statement I’d like to express, while we still have free speech. What Reid said is that his solutions are working. The facts say otherwise. The facts say that the economy will improve when Reid and all who think like him go away. Reid has nothing of substance to back his position. I have plenty of substantial arguments to back my position, arguments that backed the United States into a corner, as a matter of record.
My cost of living has gone up. My government entitlement money has not increased. We’re going into the second year of no increase. Reid’s way is to eliminate the items that have increased in cost, a fraud, so he won’t have to give me more entitlement money. Reid is involved in the shell game of printing money with nothing behind it, to keep the economy from tanking. Reid and birds of a feather are simply putting off a day of reckoning, flying on a wing and prayer, and increasing the load. The name of Reid’s game is monetizing the national debt. When your work doesn’t buy as much bacon, it’s the same as a tax on you to finance Reid’s and his colleagues’ con game, buying votes with tax dollars. Only 13 percent of the American people approve of what those lying con artists are doing to us. So what’s behind this?
Behind Reid’s stand is Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal law, better said, redistribution of the nation’s incomes, better yet said, socialism. Roosevelt and the Democrats, in eleven long years of economic disaster, did not end the Great Depression. World War II ended it. Never in history has socialism produced the prosperity America’s Constitution produced.
What prosperity produces is independence, something the powers that be do not want. The grandfather of the Tea Party is Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence; that is, independence from King George’s oppressive tax. In that regard, Roosevelt said we have nothing to fear but fear itself, and got his idea of redistribution of incomes passed as law, as a matter of fact against the Supreme Court’s interpretation of the Constitution. Said Roosevelt in 1937: “The balance of power between the three great branches of the Federal Government has been tipped out of balance by the courts in direct contradiction of the high purposes of the framers of the Constitution. We have reached the point where we must take action to save the Constitution from the Court.” The action got us where we are today.
Take particular note that in his balance of power statement, Roosevelt left out the people. With regard to the American people, Roosevelt: “While it isn’t written in the Constitution, nevertheless, it is the inherent duty of the Federal Government to keep its citizens from starvation.” A government duty to the people is not written; it is forbidden. A duty is another word for control. Before the Supreme Court capitulated to the Democrats’ demands; that “property is only a means. It has been a frequent error of our Court that they have made the means an end,” declared the Roosevelt appointee Justice Brandeis, the Court’s test as to a right was whether the right at issue is “of the very essence of a scheme of ordered liberty,” by reason that neither liberty nor justice could exist if such a right were sacrificed.
The Tea Party has much to back its claims. America has never before been anywhere close to where we are today. If you listen to Glenn Beck, you get a pretty good picture of where we are. He has made it his business to find out where Reid and company are taking America. Labor unions are more powerful. They have bought Reid. Even with the national debt being what it is, labor is due to show its muscle more than ever. Organized labor’s workers are being pushed hard to make bigger and bigger demands. Mark Reid off as any help in getting America’s financial house in order.
Tea Party politicians speak in generalities on how they are going to cut government spending. We have yet to hear of any specific way they plan to cut spending. We are talking about hundreds of billions of dollars of cuts, folks, to offset the hundreds of billions of dollars of additional costs that have been added. It does not look like the political will is there. I’m afraid the answer Washington does not want you to know is that as soon as the economy improves, the debt problem is going to be solved with out of control inflation. It has happened before, but only by a small fraction of what is going to happen in the future in America, thanks to the magnitude of the problem.
Your Constitution gives you Higher Law, or natural law and nature’s God. This is what preceded my legal challenge against Uncle Sam. Mine was the hard core of American tradition. When we Americans pledge our allegiance, as we must in this day of political manipulation, to a written document that holds the wielders of power in check, there is no conflict. The conflict arises because America’s politicians, exercising Roosevelt’s socialistic policies, have left the American people as divided as they were during the Civil War.
Your Constitution, a living document only if you make it that, gives you the God-given right and responsibility to be self-governed. First comes the internal kingdom of God—faith in a God-self. When I studied the Constitution—with a cause I believed right—voices of the past spoke to me—encouraged me. Only if you experienced what I did could you believe the power that lies within you.
I can tell you from personal experience that you cannot buck the establishment without great faith in yourself and God. When I came to a jumping off place, given the choice of falling into the abyss or flying with eagles, I got my courage from the Constitution. From the Constitution, I learned that there is a Higher Law. Now I know that Jesus spoke the truth when he said, “for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” I believed in myself, God, and the Constitution. All of my dreams have come true.
At this particular time, with the tragedy in Tucson, Arizona in mind, with we the people now at a jumping off place, at a time to chart our future course, and with a choice: our God-self course or the course Reid and company have planned, I pray for you.
Thanks Douglas. We need to start over, after Obama and company totally wreck the economy, where we were in 1900. My father said that when he was a boy (in the early 1900s), the Federal Government was non-existent. His father worked in accounting for The State of Texas, in the Capital Building in Austin. Can you believe that the Federal Government was never discussed in his family, and now the Federal Government is bankrupting State governments?
How did we manage to exist? Somehow we did, and for a tiny fraction of the cost. The American people have been in a Rip Van Winke sleep.
Very good Article Joseph.
We need to start insisting on those specifics.
It is interesting that if our politicians can cut about $600 B from the budget, about a third, and do not allow another NON-stimulus package, we will almost achieve a balanced budget.
Where should there be cuts?
I would like to see a total freeze on all Federal spending at about 2009 levels and then a small, 2-5%, cut to Federal Employee Salaries paid to Civilian Employees earning more than about $70,000 annually.
We need to pare back Federal Defense expenses by reducing some of the Offensive Weapons Research, we can blow up the world already several times over, we can put some of that stuff on hold for a while. But we still need to provide our Troops in the field with the best of defensive gear available.
Some U.S. Military presence in lands abroad is needed for National Security, the rest is little more than a waste. We need to, either get serious about the conflicts we are currently engaged in, and Bring them to an end, or admit we are just wasting materials, money and irreplaceable lives and get out.
We need to reduce, significantly, our contributions to the U.N. and require the other Member Nations to step up and do their fair share, or we need simply to withdraw from the U.N. entirely; perhaps the latter is the only choice.
We need to secure our National Borders and eject the Undocumented Foreign Citizens who have invaded us. Eliminating 12-20 M persons who are here, living and working, illegally, will open jobs for Millions of U.S. Citizens who want, but cannot get, work today.
Every dollar not spent to promote joblessness among U.S. Citizens is like two added back into the treasury: one that is not spent to support someone sitting at home on their ass, and another one that can be better spent elsewhere. Plus, those who find work can now be taxed.
We need to stop spending tax money to support the Foreign Invasion of our Nation.
How is that for a phase one idea?