9/11 was an inside job.
On Good Friday 1975, I drove away from my Texas home, arriving in Miami, Florida on Easter Sunday for the first day of my new life. It meant nothing to me, but a sign, as it turns out, one of many to come.
We are not what we “see,” but relative to a great many factors we don’t see. Love goes beyond this life. Everything reduces to energy and energy returns to its source. What one puts out, one gets back.
As much as the stars in the heavens, we are the mass equivalence of energy and energy returns to its source. This is the law of the universe. The timelessness in you is aware of life’s timelessness; and knows yesterday is but today’s memory, and tomorrow is today’s dream; and that which sings and contemplates in you is still dwelling within the bounds of that moment which scattered the stars into space. –Khalil Gibran
So may those who lost their lives on 9-11 be an emblem of reborn hope—knowing the resiliency of this moment, the immortality of our souls.
In numerology, there are nine progressive cycles. 9 is selflessness and compassion. It desires to apply its energy to universal service. This is the artist, the thinker who has developed skills through the preceding cycles and is now ready to share his or her knowledge with the rest of the world.
I began life a self, like other life. But unlike other life, I learned to identify a unique self. Unlike other life, oddly, we humans were created with reason and logic, and obviously for a unique purpose, but at the same time for a common purpose.
We call it progressive government, common purpose overriding the individual’s unique purpose. As society progresses, as history records, societies age and die, making the statement that the individual’s purpose is higher in value than society’s purpose. This is spelled out in America’s Constitution, and actually seen in numerology’s the nine cycles of my life.
What happened to the individual’s higher purpose? Social Security began as a fantastic deal for very little money. My father paid little into Social Security in the few years he paid. In return he received for 29 years a nice monthly income. It was called New Deal Law. We got what we paid for, a pyramid game.
America’s Great Depression came upon us when I was age eight. The family was America’s cornerstone but that gave way to government redistribution. America became dependent on government, causing great division. Thanks to Social Security, we are drowning is a sea of debt. But America’s politicians are not about to correct their wrong. With Congress currently in an uncompromising mode, the President is hoping to be reelected on the idea of a do-nothing Congress.
Once you let politicians get their foot in the door, you are imperiled in your rights. Nothing could be clearer than your individual rights superseding political flimflams. Giving politicians control is bankrupting America. Weakened in our moral fiber, we are easy prey for predators.
Before New Deal Law, it only took one job to support a family. Divorce was rare. My mother was at home for me. We didn’t have the crime and drugs we now have. Schools were under local control. Education was better, and at a fraction of today’s cost, to name a few of the travesties New Deal Law has caused.
America is fast becoming a basket case. Allow those trespassers of your rights to have their way and you end with zero rights. Therefore, “Let us make man in our image” in Genesis 1:26—in God’s image—“in earth as it is in heaven,” in Matthew 6:10, our image universal consciousness: “But seek ye first the kingdom of God,” in Matthew 6:33, there is a distinction to be made. Earth and heaven are quantitative; the kingdom of God, universal consciousness, is qualitative.
“Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof,” in Matthew 6:34. In Astrologer’s Handbook, the morrow, the Age of Aquarius, “The sign of brotherhood and fraternity have as their symbol the water-bearer, who spills out to mankind the life-force and spiritual energy.” With regard to “Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof,” we are now in the Age of Pisces’ death throes.
“Pisces is a sensitive sign and those born under it are extremely sensitive to the thoughts and feelings of others.” –Astrologer’s Handbook. “They desperately want to do the right thing, but as a rule they do not have strong willpower. Therefore, they are easily influenced by external factors.”
“The symbol for Pisces is two attached fishes, one swimming upstream the other downstream, implying a drastic duality of emotion.” –Astrologer’s Handbook
“I believe that a widespread understanding of the potent but usually unconscious archetypal dynamics that coincide with planetary cycles and alignments, both in individual lives and in the historical process, can play a crucial role in the positive unfolding of our collective future.” –Richard Tarnas in Cosmos and Psyche.
In my astrological reading by James Redfield, “The Vigo ego integration with the higher self, and the higher self perspective is going to be defined along the lines of the Virgo archetype, which is, of course, our need for organization: to be effective, to be conscientious about making things better.” Thus, with regard to our collective future, in Jungian psychology, the part of the unconscious mind that is derived from ancestral memory and experience—and is common to all.
“The Dispensation are distinguished, exhibiting the majestic progressive order of the divine dealings of God with humanity, ‘the increasing purpose’ which runs through and links together the ages, from the beginning of the life of man to the end in eternity. Augustine said, “Distinguish the ages and the Scriptures harmonize.” –Rev. C. I. Scofield, Editor of The Scofield Reference Bible.
In earth as it is in heaven—what we make it—“we” are not going to continue to enjoy the luxury of depending on government. A drastic change is in the wind. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. Jesus in The Sermon on the Mount
Keep the faith. Follow your conscience. We are all God’s children.