An idea to unite the right and stop the enemy.

OK, everyone who hates obama, and I'm convinced that's around 75% of the population, wants him out but the so-called republicans are divided, right? Some like me think a third party is the way to go, others want to stick with what I call the Titanic of politics, the GOP.

Someone tell me why this wouldn't work to bring the conservative thinking people together:

The establishment republicans run their candidate as usual. The New Tea Party, or something like it runs a truly conservative candidate, ala Col. Allen West, or Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, or Dr. Ben Carson the neurosurgeon. 

Here's the catch. *The stated policy of the conservative party is that they will run as hard as they can to win over America. All true conservatives like me will be able to vote for someone who hasn't been selected by the likes of Boehner and Rove. The GOP can run their typical unelectable candidate, Dole, McCain, Romney. Two weeks before the election if the conservative party isn't in contention based on a mutually agreed upon polling service, they pledge to swing their votes over to the Republicans and withdraw their candidate! That way, no votes end up going to supporting the likes of this hunk of garbage we have in there now and all of us can unite behind one candidate while still voting our conscience.

Now, if that sounds too unreasonable, or if you can't get on board with that, we are truly doomed because right now the left is rolling over us and the Constitution like a bull dozer.

We need something bold. Why not this? If you agree that it's worth a try, please spread it around. I'm so sick of liberalism and it's tentacles, not to mention islam while I'm at it. Liberalism is at the heart of the vast majority of our decline! 

Michael Quinn

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  • Who's Mark L Sidney?  How do I contact him?

  • Yes Stacy, it is and I'm new here.  But if 500 people come on with 500 ideas, well….that's what's wrong with the Congress right now.  This is my idea.  I'd like to hear why it's good or not. If someone else wants to post another idea, fine we can discuss that.  I think I'm on to something here, something no one else has mentioned.  Sorry, I've been at this all day.

  • Well Michael Quinn...I thought this was a discussion board.....throw out ideas chew on them and go forward...

  • If Mark L is such a great supporter of Tea Party and has ideas, he needs to come out and speak up and direct others to make hints happen.
  • Im gain
  • I agree that this is a great idea but I think Mark L. should be contacted as he loves the TeaParty and certainly has ideas.

    Also, we must realize that the "good ol boys" Repubics and Dems" are not going to let our people in any comitties which will have any clout.

    I'm a vet. and 79 years old and truly hate what is happening in our AMERICA!

  • Think about it ...the Dems don't like the Tea Party and the Repubs don't like the Tea Party, WHY? Because they are afraid of us, and the power that we showed in 2010 ! We can do that again in 2014, by standing behind good, strong candidates. United WE stand divided WE fall ! Yes We Can !!!!

  • I just got here today. How do I answer a specific response?  All I see is a delete button.

  • We have the right people out there just need to get in sync with some TPC.
  • Ha ha…I might have known.  It doesn't pay to have an original idea.  I see how we got into such a sad state of affairs.  

    Maybe we could all agree that none of the things listed here by others is going to happen unless we stop the internal division.  Are we together so far?  Any ideas how to bring the right together?  I see none here.  I thought I had a good idea but we have 20 other ideas.  THAT'S the problem, no? Sure, I developed the idea this morning so yes, it's not  quite perfected yet.  Imagine if all this creativity were applied to trying to figure out how to implement this idea and bring us together.  Yes, the election is a long way off.  And yes there is much that we should be doing now.  My opinion? I don't see much being done except a few blogs and a few emails to politicians who demonstrated ages ago that they pay no attention.  A tea party candidate with a pledge to withdraw that candidate weeks or days before the election if the polls reflect that he/she isn't close. That takes away the apprehension of wasting their vote and lets them vote freely for the candidate they really want instead of the one Carl Rove tells them can win.   That's my idea.  I'm almost sorry I brought it up.

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