An Open Letter to the People's House

In that the Republican House is Tea Party directed, I’ve some thoughts for the members regarding our God-given rights. We have reached the point in the history of mankind that we must take stock of where we are going, lest be become history written in the rocks.  It is up to you, our representatives, to redirect our thinking.  So, getting down to the basics, our God-given rights being questioned, we all have the God-given right, first and foremost, to exist on the fruits of our labor, now and in the future. We are not herd animals. We were each created with reason, and the right and responsibility to cope on our own. The hypocritical activist courts refuse to hear the case, thereby granting the IRS the authority to make limitless “errors,” and Congress to spend money that has been lawlessly taken from working people. The members of the People’s House have not been living up to their oaths of office. The income tax and the IRS must be eliminated.


The Bible, unlike the Koran, is not a religious book. It is the moral history of man. In Genesis 1:26, “And God said, Let us make man in our image,” and Jesus, said to the “Son of Man,” he is not the exclusive property of Christianity. Therefore, when man defames Jesus he is the same as saying he hates himself.  That needs to be made clear in the law. The law must not deprive anyone of his right to express his faith in Jesus. It is the same as saying he has faith in his fellow man.


Jesus said in the Lord’s Prayer, “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” We can assume we are not the only life in the universe. Jesus said, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness.”  In your oath of office, you recognize Higher Law as the background of the Constitution, to which you have sworn to protect and defend.  The Higher Law and the Constitution don’t exist in a place. The law is neither here nor there; it is in a state. It is universal; it is selfless. The laws you pass are subservient to Higher Law, the basis of moral and ethical conduct, which gives each of us inalienable rights that may not be taken, as well as personal responsibility for our lives, and not only our lives but the lives of future generations. You members of the People’s House have no authority under Higher Law and the Constitution to threaten the lives of future generations by raising the debt ceiling. 


May you all be blessed with the wisdom and courage that made America the greatest nation of all times.


Note: Hey, Tea Party members, Phil DiJoseph has a good idea—surveys. Let’s make the “People’s House” what it says. We must realize that our representatives are not in our place. They come with great expectations, but we must consider that they are under terrific pressure to make deals with socialist control freaks like the wiener, Congressman Wiener, to come up with solutions that only party correct the multiplying wrongs, wrongs exceeding the corrections since Franklin D. Roosevelt.  


Congressman Boehner, Speaker of the House, is a humble, good, sweet, sensitive guy in a school of sharks dying to eat him alive, who really needs our input to give him the courage he needs. We need to establish liaison with the People’s House.  I suggest that you give my thoughts prayerful consideration, add or take away until we reach consensus, and then send our Tea Party conclusions to our representatives as a guide. If they don’t follow our guide, then we know we must replace them at the next election.


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