Webster’s College Dictionary under anarchy: theory that regards the absence of all direct or coercive government as a political ideal and that proposes the cooperative and voluntary association of individuals and groups as the principal mode of organized society.
Anymore than it is freedom to enslave people because their skin is black, anymore than it is freedom to burn witches at the stake is it freedom to occupy Wall Street, is it freedom to call for killing officers of the law, is it freedom to preach the overthrow of America and call it freedom of religion. Is a Latino woman a better judge than a white male? Should a woman who played a large role in writing Obamacare sit in judgment of whether it is constitutional or not? Somebody has the meaning of anarchy in reverse.
Should America’s workers pay for the retirement of the past generation’s workers? Congress borrows the money workers pay for retirement to pay Tom, Dick, and Harry, borrows the money to pay for wars, and borrows the money to pay the interest on the astronomical debt Congress has created.
I paid much more for my retirement than my father paid for his retirement. You pay much more for my retirement than I paid. Social Security is a pyramid game. Congress is spending Social Security money on other than Social Security. Congress gives you IOUs for your retirement. Social Security is a Ponzi scheme.
Government, in order to protect the government entitled, is spending America into bankruptcy. Government proves every day that it cannot manage our lives as well as we, individually, can manage our lives. Why retire at all? Why not work toward work we enjoy. Why not take leisure time to do the things we want to do. At any rate, we have the right to save for our retirement. We are not constitutionally bound to pay for other people’s retirement. Retirement age is constitutionally an individual choice. Social Security is Marxist theory. It is class warfare.
It is welfare state for corporations to big to fail. It is fascism. America’s government is everything Nazi government was.
If the American people were not taxed out of half or more of what we earn, we could do things that make sense. The Democrats are holding the American people’s feet to the fire. If we don’t agree to raise taxes on the “rich,” they are not going to cooperate at all in solving runaway spending. They are going to let the nation go bankrupt and blame it on the Republicans.
Under America’s law, If you want to be a fool it is your choice. It is not your choice to make others pay for your foolishness. “The moment property is not as sacred and the laws of God, anarchy and tyranny commence.” The vote does not determine who shall have what. Redistribution if the nation’s wealth is unconstitutional. America’s government has proven beyond doubt that it is not fit to govern. The American people have the constitutional authority to throw this government out. It is either that or face bankruptcy and no freedom at all.