Be encouraged, ladies. Keep the faith. Obama will get your rights for you. Back in my youth, back when traditional American values prevailed, hardly any mother worked: that is, for pay. In fact, the breadwinner of the family, unless he made a million dollars, paid no federal income tax. It took only one breadwinner to support a family. Women were homemakers and parent teachers. The family was America’s cornerstone. Divorce was rare. The crime rate was low.
Nevertheless, just like they say, Anne Romney knows nothing about the economy, nor does Mitt Romney. He gives his wife more credit than he does himself. The Romneys are stupid—American traditionalists. Ladies, you are entitled to better than Romney offers. You are entitled to work and pay taxes. For this, President Obama will see to it that you get your fair share. But don’t forget that Mother Earth deserves better than Romney and traditional American values offer. Under Obama, we will all be equally impoverished. I’m sure you agree that it is the fair thing to do. It is looking ahead. We must save Mother Earth from evil capitalists. You know what they say. Money is the root of all evil. Well, it is true. Just look at capitalists and their self-serving greed. You don’t need this.
After eleven years of lawlessly taking my property, at my request, The Palm Beach Post investigated the IRS. The IRS apologized. It made a mistake. But that changed nothing. I had no right to one cent of the fruits of my labor, right? My wife was sorry that I felt the way I did, but she divorced me anyway. Obama is sorry about Anne Romney, but that does not mean she is right, not by any stretch of the imagination. Obama acknowledges that a mistake was made in saying that Anne Romney never worked. She worked, but she is stupid. She doesn’t know how the economy works. And worse, she doesn’t know how to enjoy life. She is a stupid, self-serving capitalist.
Ladies, you are fortunate to have Obama for your president. For twenty years, President Obama attended Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s “Christian” church. Reverend Wright preaches hate for Jews and whites. He “goddamns” America. Similarly, Louis Farrakhan, founder f the Nation of Islam, preaches hate for whites and Jews. He predicts the downfall of America. The New Black Panthers are closely associated with the Nation of Islam, as is the Reverend Abernathy. Attorney General Holder shows favoritism toward the above mentioned. Some black Members of Congress have made it clear that they favor the above mentioned. Also, one of them, President Obama promises to transform America. And good riddance; we don’t need capitalists. Don’t forget, ladies, that he picked a Latino woman for the Supreme Court who said she believed that a Latino woman makes a better judge that a while male. She is a member of the club that hates Jews and whites, so be thankful for Obama. He is looking out for you, ladies. Jews and whites are stinking capitalists.
I implore you, ladies, to wise up. You don’t need a man of the house. Listen to Obama. There are jobs waiting for you. Not so in my youth. You have entitlements, free contraceptives, gay rights, and abortion under Obama. It is all taken care of. Not so in my youth. You can do what you’ve always secretly wanted to do, enjoy any and all of your fantasies and fetishes.
What a life I’ve missed! All this stuff about self-discipline—just think, you won’t have the life you want if you vote for Romney. He will pin you down to traditional values. You don’t need the family. You don’t want to give up all these wonderful freedoms. At last, you are free to enjoy what you’ve always wanted to do without fear of pregnancy, without being frowned upon. Besides, the world is over-populated. So, just enjoy what comes natural. And you studs, think about that. You don’t have to marry. Under Obama, you will be free to have a different sex experience every day, or two or three if you like, or gang bang if you like. Don’t work. Smoke pot and have all the sex you want. Think about it. It’s your choice. Let the government pay your bills. My God! Vote for Obama.
Open the prisons and let everyone out who has not committed a violent crime. Down with capitalism and outdated morals. Is this that Obama offers you not better? Why do you need money? Let Obama take from the greedy rich.
Who is Obama for? We are sorry about the IRS. That is unfortunate. We are sorry about what was said about Anne Romney. It was unkind, but that changes nothing. Let the good times roll. Absolutely, Anne Romney never worked a day in her life. You would be nuts to vote for Romney.
My reason for this blog: Glenn Beck risked reprisal by exposing black radicals Louis Farrakhan and the New Black Panthers, and who backs them, on his new GBTV. No other news broadcaster has been willing to take the risk. He did it because these criminals are a very real threat to the American people. Attorney General Holder refuses to bring them to justice.
Glenn requested that his viewing audience spread the truth about these dangerous criminals. Otherwise the risk was not justified.
Do you remember Michael Dukakus, the card carrying member of the ACLU? Bush was down in the polls until his PR agent brought that up. Maybe "Anne Romney never worked a day in her life" will be the equivalent. The wholesale explosion of liberal minds would be a good thing. Let's push it.
Hold on there Buddy
Don't confuse them with facts or logic , it might make the liberal mind explode