With all the drug traffic and Kidnappings from Mexico annexation makes sense. The Mexican government can not control them least when they are under our control we can really lay the law down on them. Boarder gaurds are being mauled and killed when are we going to say enough and go down there and take that country over and run it right. We be considered liberators of the crime bosses. They violate our boarders kidnapp and kill our people . I have too look I am pritty sure with the treaty made in 1848 we have the right to come down there and "strighten them out". It has been done before several times. We have a wimp for a presadent though that does not have the guts to do it.
I think getting Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, and California was enough and more than we could handle then, and, now.
This is more of a problem with the Federal Goverment passing laws it cannot enforce without expansion of federal law enforcement (bigger governement) or changing Posse Comitatus to comit the military to enforcement.
But the governement's war on drugs really hasn't done much either.
So, what do we want? Bigger government or the status quo?
That's the problem and Arizona, regardless of my symapthy to their problems, will be challenged and ruled against by the Supreme Court on numerous Constitutional grounds ranging from authority to 14th Amendment issues.
But, I think Arizona has made a good point in forcing some entity to do something.
This is more of a problem with the Federal Goverment passing laws it cannot enforce without expansion of federal law enforcement (bigger governement) or changing Posse Comitatus to comit the military to enforcement.
But the governement's war on drugs really hasn't done much either.
So, what do we want? Bigger government or the status quo?
That's the problem and Arizona, regardless of my symapthy to their problems, will be challenged and ruled against by the Supreme Court on numerous Constitutional grounds ranging from authority to 14th Amendment issues.
But, I think Arizona has made a good point in forcing some entity to do something.