Posted on America’s Survival-By Roger Morgan, Founder/Director Take Back America Campaign-On June 3, 2011:
“Take Back America Campaign
To: Glenn Beck
Re: Soros – Drug Policies
Dear Mr. Beck:
After the great job you have done exposing George Soros, how is it that you not only post the article on his drug policy Summit with former world leaders, all influenced by his money, but also run a video of Ethan Nadlemann of the Drug Policy Alliance, Soros’ number one paid drug peddler in the world? Have you sold out to Soros?
This isn’t about ideology. It’s about corruption. The “harm reduction” mantra pushed by Soros and Nadlemann is simply intended to inflict the disease of addiction of the masses. They call it “addiction slavery” in Western Australia, where the Soros/Nadlemann influence has already put one addict in every three families, increased the still birth rate by 400% and led to addiction of 70% of aborigines.
Soros financial backing of drug legalization in America is all about pricking the bubble of American supremacy. In his words, not yours,”….. the biggest obstacle to a new world order is the United States.”
Annihilating significant portions of society through addiction is just part of his plan to achieve his New World Order.
The basic premise of these world leaders is preposterous if you know anything about drugs and addiction. The concept of human rights to use drugs, which “do no harm to others” is blasphemous. One’s diminished academic achievement and productivity alone costs society enormous sums in lost income and competitiveness. But substance abuse (alcohol, tobacco and drugs) costs taxpayers about $1 trillion and year and claims over 600,000 lives.
The world leaders say the War-On-Drugs has failed, and they want policies that have “…empirically proven to reduce crime, lead to better health and promote economic and social development.” Good idea. The root cause of most problems of health, mental illness, crime, education, welfare and traffic safety are alcohol, tobacco and drugs. So lets deal with those factors.
According to research at CASA (Columbia University), 80% of crime is committed while people are under the influence of alcohol or drugs; 66% of inmates have an addiction; and 33% meet the clinical definition of mental illness. Do you think increasing the availability of drugs is going to solve that problem?
Better health, economic and social development? According to the latest figures from the CDC, 3,200 Americans die monthly just from drug overdose, and that’s probably 25% of the total of all drug related causes. According to CASA again, drugs and alcohol contribute to 72 major illnesses, and for every $1 collected in taxes for alcohol, the social costs are $8.95. Legalization of one more drug will put the nail in the coffin of our already beleaguered deficit.
Addicts can’t work effectively, if they can work at all, thus they become a parasite on society until death. To feed their habits, they have to beg or turn to crime. With public services trimmed to the bone, the mentally ill have no place to go except the streets, and turn to crime to get a free night in jail. How is increased availability of drugs going to help?
Prohibition could have worked much better had anyone done what works to prevent it, instead of spending $1 trillion to simply interdict supply. Thirty years ago, when parents and kids learned of the true harms of marijuana, consumption dropped 50-60% and remained at that level until 2009, the first year of Obama’s administration, when it jumped 11%. Why? Because of no enforcement of federal laws to curtail the hoax of “medical marijuana” and because the media is largely controlled by Soros, The Drug Lord.
Glenn, your past statements on legalizing marijuana are cause for concern, if you truly have the best interest of America at heart. Today’s pot is 20 to 80 times more potent that in the 70’s (Up to 40% THC vs ½-2% in the 70’s). Because it is fat soluble, like DDT, it attaches to and damages every cell and organ in the body for weeks, even longer, particularly the brain and gonads. It not only causes birth defects and brain damage on the fetus, it is mutagenic, meaning it can leap over one generation and harm the next.
The 3 lb human brain is one-third fat, the prime collection point for THC. Unlike water soluble alcohol, where one-ounce of alcohol is excreted from the body in 12 hours, it takes 3 to 7 days for the body to rid itself of ½ the THC, and up to a month for the balance. Frequent use, even weekend use, stacks THC on top and causes impaired cognition, motor skills and ability to perform complex tasks. That explains why pot smokers are less productive in the work force, cause more injury accidents and because of the deleterious effects on health, increase the level of absenteeism. Good for employers? I think not.
Nor is an impaired brain good for traffic safety? The death rate in California from marijuana impaired drivers doubled since 2004, from 631 the previous five years to 1240 for the five years hence. (Al Crancer)
How about academic achievement? America is now 24th in the world academically, and in decline and drugs are a major part of the problem. Marijuana particularly impairs memory, motivation, maturation and ability to learn. In California, the drop out rate is 24.2% (UC Santa Barbara High School Drop-Out Research Project), which cost taxpayers $46.4 billion per cohort ($392,000 per drop out). That equates to about $470 billion nationally based on 1.2 million drop outs.
Because of brain scan technology, scientists have now affirmed that marijuana can cause permanent damage to an underdeveloped brain, and the brain is not fully developed until age 25. Marijuana use during adolescence has been proven to cause deficits in cognition even later in life, and it is also confirmed now as a causal factor in schizophrenia and paranoia as well as depression leading to suicide. The two largest age groups for marijuana consumption are 18-25 followed by 12-17, both before the threshold of a mature brain. This doesn’t bode well for our future.
Soros gets much of the credit for the problem: 1) Kids think marijuana is medicine, which it is not; 2) They think its legal, which it is not; 3) They don’t know any better because Soros largely controls the press and the propaganda; and 4) Because the Democratic party is largely controlled by Soros, as stated by Eli Pariser of Soros’ organization in 2004 … “ We bought the Democratic party. We own it.”
When politicians base decisions on financial contributions from the master of subversion, whose intent is to destroy our country, we have a problem. They can’t serve Soros and serve the people.
What has been proven empirically to reduce crime and lead to better health and promote economic and social development is abstinence. Total abstinence may not be practical, but the disease of addiction is preventable if we have the wisdom, courage and will to do what works to prevent it where it almost always begins, with kids.
According to Joseph Califano at CASA if we get young people to age 21 before they start smoking, abusing alcohol or using drugs, they should virtually never have a problem. How do we get them there? In all ways possible, but for certain, we need a mandate for non-punitive random drug testing for all middle and high school kids is a must. Making drugs even more available through legalization is insanity.
The inability of these world leaders to fully understand that prevention is the missing link in the War-On-Drugs suggests maybe they weren’t the best leaders to begin with. Or have they been influenced by Drug Lord Soros?
Glenn Beck, featuring drug legalizers like Nadlemann on your website, in addition to your exodus from Fox News, implies that you may have crossed over to the enemy camp. Please … say it isn’t so.
Roger Morgan
Founder/Director Take Back America Campaign”
Note: My following blog post contains numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
New World Order By Executive Order!
Powerful men who meet secretly to plan on how to run our country!
Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.
“Food For Thought”
“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”
Semper Fi!