Apathy Is Americans Worst Crime.


Seek the truth – stand by the truth – live the truth.

We are not political motivated. Our agenda is to establish a government base on the truth and our Christian values



Apathy Is Americans Worst Crime.

What American patriots can do to save America from its own demise?

Since Reagan, we give up the following:

1-     Under Reagan - We give up our jobs- Reagan starter the free trade – Reaganomics and promote the open border policy, signed the immigration reform of 1986 and fail to secure our borders as he promised to the American people.  Since Reagan the illegal immigration grow from 3 million to the present time that is over 14 million, in the last four year increased over 4 million most from México. Due to U.S. intervention in promoting the insecurity and drug cartels crimes and government corruption. The CIA,DEA,NSA and the US Dept. Of Justice Work on this strategy, part of the agenda to form the North American Union.

2-     Under Bill Clinton- We give-up a great per cent of our wealth, he is responsible for the housing bubble and the economic crisis of 2008. During the Clinton administration Americans lost jobs and their decrease on their wages, do to free trade. Poverty and under-employment were the result of more free trade agreements.

3-     Under President Bush- We give up our freedom by the implementation of the Patriot Act. Bush start the increase of our national debt by over 4 trillion Dollars, Investigation reveal that 9/11 was an inside job, invaded Afghanistan and Iraq to gain control of the Iraq oil and distribution of the oil- promote the use of private companies for the security and management of Iraq and Afghanistan. Provoking the people to hate Americans and the killing of Americans. What Bush done to these countries under the pretense of defending our country and national security is a crime that the people of these countries never will forget  to them we are the world’s bully and they will take revenge at due time.

4-     Under Obama- we become the mayor indebted country in the world, he manage to expend over 8 Trillion Dollars in six years as president, most than any president in the history of our country.  http://www.cnbc.com/id/29880401/page/16, He demised the trust of the people on the government, Obama becomes the biggest liar and master of deceive our country ever elected as president. He became a traitor for violation of the Presidential oath, He trashed our constitution and the rule of law, under his administration many government agencies commit crimes against the American people and also foreign government, they become criminals with impunity granted by the Obama US Department of justice. This administration committed murder to silence people that know to much; They used the CIA to commit the killings.

Fellow patriots our country is in great jeopardy, we must elect to office a statesman a believer of our Constitution and the rule of law, a defender of our sovereignty, we cannot continue being a pro political party. The truth is that Democrats and Republicans are the same they represent the multinational corporation and the banking system, not the people. Our loyalty is to our country and we the people, not to any political party, politician, the US corporations or any especial interest organizations. In 2014 and 2016 we must vote for America and stop the demise of our country. It is time for our government to focus on the needs of the country and stop being the world’s bully, we must end globalization and re-negotiate all trade agreements, concentrate in our national defense and sign peace treaties with all the countries in the world, we do not want any more wars. We must protect our country by doing a complete review of our immigration laws and allow to immigrate only people of good character that support our American principles and values, we as Americans should never compromise our principles and values. Any one that wants to live in our country must subscribe to our culture, language and values and be willing to be an America.

Our Lord Jesus said in his lifetime, "Many have eyes and ears but do not see nor hear".

Americans have ears to listen and eyes to see. We will see and heard the truth and respond to the call of freedom.     


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