“Are Organizations Like The Southern Poverty Law Center, Terrorist Organizations?”
“Are Organizations Like The Southern Poverty Law Center, Terrorist Organizations?”
With the recent shootings including today's shooting near the Empire State building in New York City and of course also the shooting at the Family Research Council in Washington, DC, one might wonder what in the world is going on in our world regarding all this increased violence in our society. Well, those who are spiritually aware of our “societal temperature” sure do understand where our world is at and soon heading. Christian prophets as a matter of fact have been warning nations, including our very own USA for years now of the impending disasters (we now suffer)f people did not stop entertaining and compromising with evil at every turn in their lives... but guess what, that day the prophets warned us about regarding leaving God's spiritual best is indeed here now and sadly, many can't or won't see it.
That's just it, many people don't understand spirituality and the Bible in America any more. Many people have their own concept of good and evil and then run with it, and run they do... unfortunately it's often in the wrong direction and chaos and disaster often ensues. Even Rush Limbaugh who is usually well equipped with an opinion as to how to deal with those whom he disagrees with, recently spouted off on his daily radio program the other day that he was at a loss when speaking about “what do we do with people who vote for Obama ?” I have news for Mr. Limbaugh and others like him who are at a loss for what to do with people who seem dim witted; our society is not just suffering from some sort of temporary “lapse” in good judgment like those voting for Obama... People have seemingly lost all common sense and reason and are now growing in number daily and not only themselves rapidly deteriorating in mind and the ability to reason, they are (maybe without knowledge ???) contributing to the overall destruction of the world around them without a care on who they take down with them.
Pop psychologists and “Dr. Phil” types clamor about the ever growing and increase of mental health issues people are suffering from and of course even there, these folks cannot be counted on for definite answer as to why people are “losing their minds”, but most of them in fact simply just look to “Big Pharma” for more “happy” pills to prescribe to people with rather than getting to the core issue of why people suffer. Gee, if only God were be allowed in our nation again and recognized as the one to go to when there was a need....but oh no, we don't want that,(sarcasm) no... we don't want to hurt people's feelings like the the politically correct, the Atheists or even the homosexuals-that might offend them. We have to remain politically correct and leave God out of the conversation. After all “God is only a figment of our imagination” and God has nothing to do with common sense and our county Right ? Well, that's how many of our nations leaders, psychologists, teachers, and others profess and believe and looks like God hating is the number one to do if you want to be in the “in-crowd.”
The war against God is real and it's negative fruits are here as evidenced by the increase in shootings and attacks especially against Christians and others. Indeed, there is a real war, the war against God and the Bible and organizations like the American Civil Liberties Organization, The Southern Poverty Center and others like them who “pump up” those who are already filled with sinfulness and hate towards Jesus as well as all, and everything the United States and most of Western Civilization was built on; that is Christianity. The more Christians want to talk or share about Jesus the more action hate and those that enable terrorizing groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center provide. It's not just Biblical Christians that should be concerned about there safety with all these increase in shootings, it's other groups like “militias, patriots and conservative groups.” that should be concerned. If you look at the the SPLC's website, you can clearly see that they are lumping true hate groups such as White supremacists, Black Liberation Groups, Neo-Nazi Groups and others along with Christians and those of follow the US Constitution. There is an absolute purposeful hate agenda against Christians and good people who love the USA all grouped together with real haters without provocation on the part of Christians by the Southern Poverty Law Center's website. Websites like this is where those who love evil and sin obviously gain there wrong minded justification to act out in violent ways against Christians and good people of our nation. Hate has played the game of “blame the victim” and now victims are being shot at and murdered.
The SPLC has no reason to hate Jesus of the Bible, and those like them who spread hate against Biblical Christians have no factual justification to hate on persons like me or you(?). The Christian Bible is rooted in love, but there is of course consequences for hating God and living a foolish lifestyle but the “messenger” should not be blamed for truth telling as to consequences for living like hell I nor other Biblical Christians should be shot at or murdered for telling the truth. We are not to blame for the violent society we live in. The answer that people are looking for as to why these shootings occur and are now rapidly growing can be firmly placed on the Jesus haters themselves and not on whom those haters seem to blame-us Biblical Christians. We as a society need to understand that those who often cry “foul” these days are the actual instigators of the trouble that they claim
to be victimized by.
Please don't look to political parties like the Republican Party that is allegedly the “guardian”' of our liberty and freedoms in America for help in this issue of the SPLC, ACLU and other groups like them enabling terrorizing of good moral Americans. Instead, look to Jesus of the Bible.... because terrorizing and Jesus hating apparently will not end anytime soon. Groups like the SPLC and the ACLU are only going to continue in enabling evil people to hate and take violent action against good, decent and moral Americans as more and more Americans refuse to repent and make things right before God in our nation. Wicked people have no desire in stopping the evil nor the hate, their task is to divide and sew destruction so that wickedness may abound even more and that means obviously by some rhetortic and action seen as of late, killing Christians to silence Biblical truth is also on their agenda . The truth is, these people are seemingly willing to take whatever action necessary to get them and all of us, to that destructed end. The question for you who love God and our nation however is; will you let them ?
May God have mercy on the souls who forget God's justice and His ways.
Pastor Paul Waldmiller~ Black Robe Regiment Pastor
**** Reminder, be sure to get your Voting Poll Guardian Groups together very soon !