NO, NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Even a PARASITE doesn't kill It's Host.
I officially joined the Tea Party yesterday. I have always been a sympathizer and hold the same beliefs.Unions way back when were probably necessary, then they evolved into a thug operation that would do anything to get what they wanted.
Including Vandalism, Threats, Property Damage, Verbal Assault. (You can finish the list)
Then once they owned the Democratic Party all bet's were off.
Even when a 6 year old could do the math and see the path could not possibly be sustained.
It got started about 30 years ago.The Unions all but killed manufacturing in this country.
At the same time started buying state elections so for their government employees, they could sit on both sides of the table to negotiate terms.The pattern went on across the country with Democrat Governors and the Gov would just raise taxes.I live in Wisconsin> GROUND ZERO.
We just delivered a SEVERE BLOW to the Unions on our Senate Race.
The Unions Threw It All at this one. Did their usual cheating plus some.
Bused In Voters, Horrible Deceitful Adds but also sent union money by the boat load from all around the country. CUSTARDS LAST STAND!!!!!!!!!!!
They lost In a 50 / 50 State, well we now know why.
Conservatives were driven to the voting booth like cattle.
Polls show the number one reason was how union members showed their ASS so bad during protest. I want to be careful here.
Union Leaders are the real Villon's here. They got Power Drunk and Wealthy off the backs of their workers. That's PURE GREED.Only about half of the union workers are to fault.
I know some people that happened to get a job that happened to be union and they couldn't care less.The same people I know are from smart to brilliant.
Then there is the other 50% that don't have the I Q that reaches the top floor.
That 50% can be brain washed like a VERY YOUNG CHILD.
I heard of a guy that was caught smoking CRACK In the bathroom at Chrysler and they could not fire him.
There are millions of these cases, the average worker would have a MUCH better job benefit package If they didn't have to support all the
dead beats. In the past I have followed Politics and News but honestly never did a lot about It. I PROMISE that has changed forever!!!!!!!
PS.I was so mad about Unions I went to buy It was already up but not quite running (no way to contact them)
However that Is where I found the Tea Party add. IF ANYONE knows how to reach the owner of that site? I would very much appreciate It
Thank You For Looking
MJ of Wisconsin
No Problem, It's great to discuss points of view with level headed people.
Yes there Is a movement about and I love It no matter what your view Is.
I think as Americans we became very lax. If you look around the world, some people
risk thier life just to vote. We must protect our freedom at any cost. Have a great Day. MJ
Good Point and thanks for your viewpoint