“Are You A Slave ? “
“Are You A Slave ? “
Two things probably occur when you see this question. The first is most likely and image in your mind of a person in chains, beaten, tormented, forced to work for free or at very low wages. Perhaps the image is from a movie you viewed at some time where dark skinned men, women and children were taken as slaves from Africa, or perhaps it is instead an image of a kidnapped Caucasian child held as a sex slave in the Middle East. If you are at all familiar with slavery that occurs in Asia, maybe your mind brought to the front of your memory-images of “sweat shops” all across Asia and or that sort also in Central/South America. Anyone of these images are indeed true images of slavery and each image represents the dark and stark reality that slavery still, sadly and horrendously exists throughout the world.
There are other types of slavery that exists perhaps you are unaware of. In fact, I can almost guarantee you that you probably know someone who is indeed a slave and is unaware of it. Would it surprise you to find out as well that you too may also be a slave ? Slaves do exist you know---they exist in your families, some are most likely your friends, your neighbors or perhaps even some are your co-workers. The bottom line is that slavery does in fact flourish greatly in our world today despite so much hard work an the efforts of many around the world to eradicate it. Please be aware if you haven't guessed yet---I am not speaking about the type slavery in which people are necessarily physically placed in chains that you can see with the naked eye... no, I am speaking of the invisible chains that many.... let me change that.... most, yes most people in our world wear and yet may actually enjoy or feel hopelessly stuck wearing.
Many people who are slaves these days have actually become accustomed to wearing their chains. In
fact, many have come to love their chains, sort of like those who have been diagnosed by some mental health professional. If you are unfamiliar with what “Stockholm Syndrome” is, it is a psychological diagnosis whereby those who have been kidnapped and perhaps made as slaves long enough, actually
side with and enable the bondage of the people in which they were made slaves. This means that those
taken as slaves, actually empathize with their captors and will defend their captors and that being kidnapped/being enslaved, which a person once before seeing as evil and considered something so
offensive, and never would even consider as something appropriate, now find themselves as believing themselves being enslaved as now being an acceptable act.
How does one find themselves in such a predicament as accepting at any level that slavery being allowable in any form anyway ? I am sure most of you reading this article are saying to yourselves that you are not involved in slavery in any way, shape or form and would never, ever accept your self as being a slave to anyone/anything, no matter what the circumstances---right ? Well, there are all sorts of ways people can be caught up in slavery without even acknowledging slavery even occurred. In fact, it was actually an image of a women on a video that I viewed this past week that touched my heart to write this week's article about slavery. You see this women in the video I viewed was ranting quite boastfully how she was going to vote for Barack Hussein Obama because as she put it; “Obama gave me a free phone.” I am quite sure that if I had a chance to ask this woman in any circumstance that if felt as though she was a slave because of her willingness to vote for a man like Obama for the price of a phone, she would emphatically deny that in any form she was had put her self in bondage and or slavery.
The stark reality is though, this woman I mention is not the only lost soul who has sold herself to the task manager, the stealer of the soul--- no, there are Billions(yes, Billions with a capital “B”) of people around the world like this women enslaved only by a cheap (probably) made in China cell phone. You see, many people these days at often times, are allowing themselves to be ensnared into the devil's tricks of willingly and allowing themselves into slavery. At age 51 and as a past therapist and specialist in the criminal forensic's field, I can tell you that indeed what I am sharing with you is all true. The image of physical chains that I eluded to earlier in my article occurs but Billions, once again--- Billions of people world-wide, do not allow themselves to see that they are ensnared in slavery or that slavery even exists. However, the truth of the matter is that slavery does exist and it is the invisible chains of slavery in the forms of matters such as guilt, shame, depression, unrepentant attitude, pride, arrogance, unforgiveness, rage, malice, cultic beliefs, hate, bitterness, control/manipulation, co-dependency, lover of evil doing, alcoholism, substance abuse-many forms of addiction actually, the love of money-greed, and many more forms of slavery that in all honesty, the remainder of the list of types of enslavement would fill the remainder of this page.
Indeed, slavery is a huge issue in our world but again, the stark reality is though, that most people allow themselves to be enslaved. I have met and come across many who are enslaved by their own making on social media web-sites, or in person... who to this very day remain in denial about their entrapment in slavery. It is all quite sad actually. In fact with many of those same folks I have met and or spoken, I have had opportunity where by I have communicated with them how they have been taken captive by and through their own making, but unfortunately, most remain in denial and in defiance of accepting their present situation of allowing themselves to be captured and enslaved. It is the sad reality that many would rather remain stubbornly In their emotional and heart entangled chains rather than accept the truth about their lives and come clean and accept the whole matter of truth, irregardless of what I have shared with them. As I shared earlier about the diagnosis of “Stockholm Syndrome”, there are folks I have communicated with about issues they could indeed be set free, but unfortunately for them---refused in the end to allow themselves that freedom. Can you imagine that ? People are given a chance to be set free but because of their own hardened heart, their own mind being so stubborn, so callous to the truth, so engrained and entrenched in not allowing themselves to accept the clear way of escaping their chains of slavery--- they end up refusing to walk through the freedom-door and actually slam the door closed, their only route of escape... and actually walk up to that door--- close it and lock themselves back in cage of captivity of slavery all over again.
Sadly, we live in a world where people enslave themselves quite frequently and at a very cheap price. A man once stated; “What price a man's soul ?” I think that is a very good question for every person to ponder whether enslaved or not. As the world continues to slide further and further towards evil, I believe every person should ask themselves this very important question in regards to how people involve themselves in slavery. The woman I mentioned earlier here with the cell phone in this article is not alone in her slavery. As people look to man-made ways to find their freedom whether it is through spending of trillions of dollars on humanistic and or secular pop psychology books, politicians making more empty promises, “positive” motivational recordings, relying on “daddy government”, purchasing of religious recordings of men and women selling “doctrines of demons”, all in the end, all those and other ways of dealing with an enslaved heart fail. They all fail because there is after all, only one way of gaining 100 percent freedom from slavery, and that is only through the Biblical Jesus Christ for there is no other name, there is no other way any person can become factually free from the torments, including that of slavery that people can recover. I have traveled throughout the world, been exposed to many ideas of “men” and people exposing all sorts of religious held belief systems and none, that's right... none have ever been ever able to totally set any one person free. I have however, prayerfully laid my hands upon many people in the name of the Biblical Lord Jesus Christ for healing(not in any way in or with my power or that of my words or strength) and have seen men and women totally, 100% set free from the bondage’s of physical and emotional slavery.
My concluding point here is that not only can people be set free from every kind of torment, pain, suffering and enslavement known to mankind through the heart knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, but also that all men can also live a life of freedom and happiness if only, that is if only if they are willing to leave behind all those things and matters that bring them into bondage.
Are you wanting and willing to be truly set free ?, If you are, you-yourself call upon His name... the name of the Biblical Jesus Christ. Do so though while yet He can still be found.
Pastor Paul Waldmiller~Black Robe Regiment Pastor
**** Reminder, TIME IS VERY SHORT ! Be sure to get your Voting Poll Guardian Groups together very soon !