Astrological Profiles

4063282011?profile=originalI’m Aquarius rising. Around here I’m known as Joseph Aquarius Smith.  So let me tell you about us.  Astrologers say we are different, can be so far ahead of our time that we are accused of being eccentric. We can express strong human concern; have a strong sense of freedom for ourselves and others. We can be musical and be a genius. I don’t know about being a genius, but I’m musical.  We can brand ourselves mavericks and oddballs.  People who know me would verify that.  Aquarius rising screams to the world, “Don’t fence me in.”  The universe is my playground. I bring back information that has been lost for centuries.


Naturally, rather than on the street protesting, I’m 100 percent behind Governor Walker.  I’d go further.  I’d force public service employees to accept equal pay for equal work and bar them from unions.


Now let’s talk about the Pisces profile.  The symbol for Pisces is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions.  That’s interesting. Astrologers say the symbol says, can’t make up the mind, inability to take direct action, the need to be directed.  Astrologers say this weak willed individual, strongly influenced by external factors, tends to keep him in a hopeless situation.  He may appear with large dreamy eyes, and you can almost see a halo encircling his head. He seems to stay 10 feet off the ground. He expects people to be perfect; that is, to live up to his expectations.  We read that he may be totally unaware of his faults.  Often, he can see only good and refuse to see evil.  All of this makes him want to save the world.  His trouble is that he can’t see the forest for the trees.


After reading all of the above, we read that we are leaving the Age of Pisces and entering the Age of Aquarius.  Time waits for no man.  Congratulate yourselves  for being part of the Tea Party movement.  Tell a friend what I reveal.


 Tim Pawlenty:  “The message of the tea party, as I see it, is pretty simple, it’s pretty straight forward,” Pawlenty said to loud cheers. “And it’s this: God made us to be free and the Founding Fathers made the Constitution to keep us free.”  I’m for Tim Pawlenty.


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  • @Joseph


    1 Samuel 28: 3


  • Listen Joseph,

     The universe is my playground. I bring back information that has been lost for centuries.


    The reason Astrology was lost for centuries is because it plays no sugnificant role in the will, plan or salvation for man, brought to them by The Lord Jesus Christ, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, creator of ALL.


    I don't expect you to understand the bible, but I do say what I do because of the truth of the word of God.

    Example: King Saul consults the medium of En-dor ( a sooth-sayer)



  • I forgot to mention that I read the above in The Rising Sign by Jeanne Avery.
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