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  • I completely and emphatically disagree with you Mr. McElroy,someone must stand against the attacks of atheists on christians in this country and beyond.If you wish to turn a blind eye and pretend that this does more harm that is your right and not my concern sir.I will always stand on the side of christians against tyranny whether real or implied and the social media vehicle is my way of doing that.I am not a roman catholic or affiliated with any other religious organization but I do realize that for far to long good people just like you have left open the door for people with no sense of moral or ethical conduct and I want to slam it shut.As far as my arguements being way off base please back that statement up with fact or please vacate my page.I do my research sir it is you that seems to make statements without proof.I belong to the tea-party and we are for changeing the government back to what we think it should be according to what many would call an outdated document , we are a people in general who believe in God and Jesus and I for one stand up to anyone who trashes that concept and anyone who would try to silence me.....LIKE YOU. Good day and good bye sir.
  • No i read it and each argument is just so far off base. I would urge anyone before make such wrong statements to do their research first. As A catholic I see what is going bad with this country is no one has a true voice. The way to fix things is to get more everyday americans involved and making sure all of our voices are heard. The moment you throw in religion or lack of one you loose all arguments. The founding fathers saw what religion in the hands of the wrong people with power can be and was used to enslave a population and strip true liberty and freedom. That is why those type of blogs and postings do more harm to a free nation then good.
  • Mr. McElroy, Did you actually read my Post ? or did you just see the Title and then put out the comment you wrote. My post makes it very clear that I am at war with Atheists and the Atheism doctrine.My Post is my declaration to these people.I would expect this kind of jumping to uninformed conclusions by the liberal left but I expect more from my conservative brothers and sisters.I do hope in the future you would be a little more careful in your demand for deletion of mine or any other members posts. We do not want to become like the very people with are trying so very hard to keep from ruining the land of the free "KEY WORD IS FREE" Mr. McElroy.  Good day sir.
  • I urge as a roman catholic this post and link be removed. As an american I am appalled that in a county founded for freedom of religion someone has the gaul to ask for a radical movement against anyone who disagrees with his views. This is a direct slap in the face of our founding fathers who say what happened in europe and wanted this country to be a place free of those fears. You want to support you're church and pray as I do then great you can do that. This type of talk is exactly the opposite of what this country was founded to stand for.
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