Atlanta Breaks record LOW temp

Wow, climate change is upon us and our President still wants to spend billions fighting global warming, I mean climate change. NASA is redirected to research climate change and of course, MUSLIM outreach, the EPA will go around Congress and pursue climate change regulations, coal power plant regulations that will make energy cost skyrocket and fuel alternative fuel regulations that will force billions to be spent buying credits driving up costs further, NINE billion tax dollar subsidy spent on ethanol production which uses 45% of the world corn production driving up this food item and they use 1500 gallons of precious water for each gallon of ethanol produced. If Obama had his way we would pay other countries billions to buy carbon credit which would redistribute our wealth to others and make the brokers billions of dollars too. Al Gore owns part of these carbon credit brokers and even he recently admitted that ethanol production was not a good idea.

I think the made up carbon credit scheme is about power, control and wealth distribution. It is a stupid idea and makes no sense.

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