So the GOP wants to distance itself from a moral man running for the Senate seat held by a slimeball democrat.
Some how he believes that a woman raped will not conceive "IF IT WERE TRUE RAPE" DUH so he is a bit confused . He doesn't remember that up to 1/2 the babies born in parts of the English/Scottish coastal regions were of Norseman blood [By rape ]
His morals are good as is his heart
So what does that say about those who would kick him off the ticket ?
Your RNC at work
Rino central
We need to kick them to the curb
The question is
Did he actually make a mistake ? [biology speaking]
Vicki used statistical proof that he did not but no one will believe that!
I suspect that she was right [as was the Congressman ]
However what does that suggest about my Ancestry [big grin] Scottish and I look like a Norseman.
Well Vicki
I was defending him in my way
you can defend him in your way
but either way
he is one of us