President Obama, the most powerful man in the world, is a Marxist, anti-capitalist, a divider, a transformer, a revolutionary.
Something has gone wrong in America. We’ve resorted to name calling. I rely on the truth as I see it. This has worked to my benefit. I give everyone the right to seek the truth as they see it, as long as they don’t seek to impose their will on me. The thinking I follow is the thinking of the people Obama’s support call derogatory names. They obviously don’t like people who think for themselves, especially women. It’s all for one and one for all. Obama is the head coach. Under socialism we are team players, with government entitlements and zero rights.
The America I’ve known could be ending, but not with Obama and his following. Man is forever concocting schemes as a means of control. It goes back to the basics in life. Life depends on life. The object is to keep from becoming some other life form’s dinner. There is safety in numbers.
I was an independent businessman, a one-man operation. I bought lumber from the manufacturer and sold it to the retailer. My job was knowing where the lumber was, and at a price the dealer was willing to pay. For that service, people were willing to pay me a small commission. I earned a good living. But I was a capitalist. Socialists don’t like capitalists. In favor of socialism, the United States put me out of business. Putting me out of business included my independent suppliers and dealers. The United States favored the big corporation and labor unions. Socialism is not what it is cracked up to be. It allows big fish to feed on little fish. The big fish are giant corporations, big labor, Wall Street, and government. When you sit on Wall Street, know what your beef is. You are being taken by the very thing you protest. The above named big fish feed on millions of little fish. That’s nature.
Nature created man with something unique: reason and logic. If a man wants a blue suit, turn on the blue lights. As an independent, that’s the way I think. After I was put out of business, I still had my reason and logic. No matter what schools of fish do, I’ve managed to remain independent and have prospered. The way I see it, with the masses darting this way and that, this is a time of unprecedented opportunity for those who use their human assets. They have little competition.
The pathetic thing about this time is that those who have been suckered into believing they can’t think for themselves are being taken by control freaks. These suckers lack understanding of how the universe works.
I read an article written by a geneticist. He maintained that we will soon know the whole genetic scheme of humans. He figured that we will be able to create a better human. I asked him from whence comes the genetic code. His answer: "We don’t get into that."
Quantum physics studies the microcosmic. That would include genes. Classical physics maintains there is no connection in our reality and the reality of the microcosmic world. Something else must come into play. What could it be? Various religious faiths give us the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe. We can’t agree. Abraham’s religions are the cause of much suffering and death. The answer is lacking in reason and logic.
I have the Bible, the cutting edge of science, astrology, and numerology. When I employ the reason and logic with which I was created, the four dovetail. I’ve written a book, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012 that explains in detail my experience.
My rebirth began when I studied the Constitution and my rights, with the idea of taking action against the world’s prophets of doom. The end is near, and a new beginning. I’ve been greatly rewarded. My karmic mission is to pass on what I’ve learned.