Howdy all! Can you imagine? Only 89 days, and we get to vote for a new manager. And to think, only 1297 days ago, we thought the nation was going to be at risk of financial ruin. So now, here we are at financial ruin, and in need of a new manager. How times flies when you have a perpetual anxiety attack.
Any hoo,..
Yet God, with undeserved kindness, declares that we are righteous. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins. ~ Romans 3:24
I consider the foundation of the Constitution as laid on this ground that 'all powers not delegated to the United States, by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states or to the people.' To take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specially drawn around the powers of Congress, is to take possession of a boundless field of power, not longer susceptible of any definition. ~Thomas Jefferson, Opinion on the Constitutionality of a National Bank, 1791
So, here we are, 89 days from Election Day; 164 days from inauguration day. We are carrying 132 executive orders around like a gigantic sack of potatoes, wondering how many more will come before January 20. Numbers, all these are nothing more than numbers. They don’t matter. What they represent does not matter. So what does matter?
Honor, dedication, principles, decency, respect, responsibility, you name it. No matter what obstacles are placed in front of us, these traits are ingrained in all of us. Not a single number in that sentence. He gave us His son, whom he sacrificed for us. No greater gift could be given. And this gift of the United States of America; designed, crafted, and developed by gifted men such as Jefferson, is slowly be squandered by selfish people. Jefferson, like so many of his time, tried to pass down warnings to watch out for selfish people. Those who have taken the cause to save the republic, the constitution, the financial strength, and the security of our land have heard the warning and are acting on it. We are only 89 days away from a turning point: but only a point in time. Afterwards, we will need to watch even closer. It doesn’t matter what letter defines their political preference, they can all be wolves in sheep’s clothing.
89 days, 164 days, 1461 days. They represent quantities of time. They don’t mean anything. Honor, dedication, principles, decency, respect, responsibility; they mean everything. They are our tools to serve our nation and our fellow citizens. It is how we use these tools throughout the quantities of time that make us what we are. Exceptional Americans.
Take care, God bless,
Tom Kiley
I doubt very seriously that " God declares us a righteous nation " More likely he feels about us as he felt about Sodom and Gommorah . We are a very long way away from doing Gods will . We are all on a very evil/ignorant ship with some very EVIL people setting our course to hell .