Howdy all! I have been in and out as usual due to the heat in SE Washington State. Today, we have the added joy of heavy smoke from a wildfire to our east although there was one close by on Red Mountain. Red is the home of a number of world class wineries and vineyards. So those folks around here were busy getting away from the smoke.
So, to pass the time with light reading,..
Jesus replied, I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again. Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. ~ John 6:35
Under all those disadvantages no men ever show more spirit or prudence than ours. In my opinion nothing but virtue has kept our army together through this campaign. ~ Colonel John Brooks, 1778
The words of Colonel Brooks are truly inspiring, especially to us in this period of time. Remember back in his time, the troops were out ‘everything’-ed by the British. Yet, the colonists succeeded. Why? Their belief, their virtue, their honor, their love of God, family and country gave them the strength to persevere. They had supply problems, they had bad weather, they had morale problems,.. yet they persevered. It was through this virtue, and as John puts it, their belief in God who delivered them to these shores to start a better life. That is what they fought for. That is what they offered and sacrificed everything for. They heard the words of John, and believed. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again. Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.
Now, we find ourselves in a similar predicament. We have no weapons to fire, but still the campaign is in front of us to fight. Now we have a team who speaks of promise, who speaks of returning to us what belongs to us. It is our choice to accept their promise to us, or not. So what do we do?
Believe in what He has given us. Believe in the words, the deeds, the love, and the power of freedom that He gave us all. Believe that He loved us so much that He gave us His only son. He is the bread of life, which will sustain us. With this, we can show more spirit and prudence than any others, even under all the disadvantages we have now.
Take care, God bless,
Tom Kiley