Howdy all! Quick share. Today I had a conversation with a Marine who finished his tours a few years ago and was back home and working. I knew he has PTSD. The conversation turned to his past when he saw the company of my car’s maker – KIA. He said he could never rid in that car or any other made by KIA. Not because he doesn’t like the cars, but the name is a bad memory for him: KIA or K.I.A. He could never ride with a moniker that means Killed In Action. He saw too much of that. I asked him if he minded talking about it. He not only agreed he was thankful I asked. You see for him, the only way he could accept what has happened in his life was to talk freely about it. Without the ability to vent, he would have problems. He is even in a group of other vets who have the same need to talk. And he counsels many other vets who can’t talk, and are having many problems. So, if you have the opportunity to speak to a vet, do so. Be sensitive to them, since it still may be hard for them to open up. But they are our heroes, and our sons and daughters. They need us now in their time of trouble, just as we needed them in our time of trouble.
And so,..
Jesus told her, I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying. ~ John 11:25
An unlimited power to tax involves, necessarily, a power to destroy; because there is a limit beyond which no institution and no property can bear taxation. ~ John Marshall, McCullough v. Maryland, 1819
It’s amazingly obvious that throughout our nation’s entire existence, the trouble caused by overtaxing was well understood. John Marshall was spot on then, just as his words are spot on right now. There is no secret formula to understand. People only have so much. There is a limit to what taxpayers can give without losing everything they have. But when you hear the government speak of needing more and more taxes, there is way to interpret that except they want to control us, and to destroy the country we have. What was the phrase we all learned in school about why the revolution happened? “Taxation without representation.” TAXATION. Tax, tax, tax. There is a limit beyond which no institution and no property can bear taxation.
So, our duty to us and each other is to ensure our government; our federally (AND statewide) elected employees understand the charge We the People have given them. They do NOT rule us. It is the rule of law – republic – which rules us all with no color, creed or religious slant to blind us. Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying.” Follow me and you will live forever in my kingdom. This is His offer to us. He never says he rules over us. Our king, our savior; does not rule over us. He asks us to follow. We should teach our federally elected employees this lesson. They certainly need it.
Take care, God bless and especially at this time in history,
Tom Kiley