Howdy all! Yup, still around! Take a look at today’s offerings. I sense a strong tea party message.
What do you think?..
Those who listen to instruction will prosper; those who trust the Lord will be joyful. ~ Proverbs 16:20
Patriotism is as much a virtue as justice, and is as necessary for the support of societies as natural affection is for the support of families. ~ Benjamin Rush, letter to His Fellow Countrymen: On Patriotism, 1773
What I get from these:
1. Follow rules and you will be successful.
2. Trust in God and life will be fulfilling.
3. Patriotism and justice are equal virtues.
4. And, society needs patriotism to survive, as much as love is needed for families to survive.
These are such simple attributes to have; easy advice to follow. Why is it so hard to understand? We see, read and sadly some of us experience so much of the opposite these days. And worse, it comes from those we entrust with our governance. Our managers (I will NOT call them leaders) in DC have become so selfish and pompous, they forget they are employees, OUR federally elected employees.
So, do we forget about following rules? Do we leave patriotism behind? HECK NO!! We the People will not back away from our responsibility. We, the tea party, the 9/12 groups, the conservatives throughout our shining city on the hill will NOT allow tyranny and subservience to prevail. Sound radical enough? Sound extreme enough? Yeah it does, just as it sounded 240 years ago. And it’s just as RIGHT as it was 240 years ago. The tea party is not dead. And as long as we have a republic, it will never be dead. And, if we lose the republic, it will remain as well. Many of us have taken the oath. Many have taken their own oath. We have taken the oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against ALL enemies foreign and domestic. For me, the oath did not end when I retired from the Navy. It will only end when I retire from life and He calls me to serve Him in heaven. Do you think the tea party is dead? See above. If you find that following four simple ideas is right, then you know the answer.
Take care, God bless and especially at this time in history,
Tom Kiley