Howdy all! Well, I went to the movies for the first time in many years Saturday night. My wife and I had to see the OBAMA 2016 movie. We had to know if we are right in our thinking of him and his plans, or are we off base. Well, I can tell you that, well first this message from our sponsor,..
But I am trusting you, O Lord, saying, "You are my God!" ~ Psalm 31:14
So, as I was saying, I have never left a movie madder than I was when I entered; at least until Saturday night. If you haven’t seen this movie, you must. It does explain a lot of what has been going on, and why. And, as a retired Navy Submariner, who spent his entire career fighting a very silent Cold War with Poseidon and Trident nuclear missiles, it really got my blood boiling during the discussion of the reduction of warheads. The US has presently 8 ballistic missile subs capable of carrying nuclear weapons to protect us from the threat of annihilation. But the number given as to what Bobo wants will not support that many subs. It won’t support the protection of our nation at all. Given the number he wants to go to, Luxembourg could kick our butt! So I left the movie shaking my head, mad as all get out, and tried to maintain some sensible demeanor. Then, I looked at the faces and heard the whispering of the others in the audience as they left. I was not alone. They all felt the same as me; probably for their own reason, but the feeling was the same. So I urge you all to go to this movie, and take someone who is riding the fence, undecided, or just not caring. They will surely walk out with a different opinion.
So, where you might ask is the encouragement? How about this.
As I said, I came away mad. In fact I can’t remember the last time I was this mad. But what do we do about it? How should I react, or behave, or respond? Simple; I need to maintain my focus on the road through November. Our nation is on a path that is very uncertain. There are many who have many paths. And it seems that no one in charge will choose a path that is right. And you know that isn’t their job! It’s our job to pick the path. We the People have the responsibility to choose how our nation will proceed. That does not end at the November elections; it starts there. Until November, we will suffer through many challenging events – debates, polls, special television events. We will be twisted every which way by those trying to get or keep a job. We need to focus on what our principles and values are, and decide who is aligned closest to those principles and values. The chosen might not be the ones who are exactly like us. In fact, the only way to ensure the chosen are exactly like us is for us to run ourselves. Then, we must submit our vote. One by one, we will all have a say as to who our local councilmen, aldermen, commissioners, mayors, reps, senators, governors and president will be. Once the votes are tallied, we then need to formulate the plan to monitor those chosen. No one gets a pass any more. No one. Will we be correct? Will we be successful? Will we be able to restore the Constitution to its proper stance in our government? Will we once again be the exceptional land? To answer, we just need to read today’s offering from Psalm 31. But I am trusting you, O Lord, saying, "You are my God!" God had his hand in our nation’s beginning. He has been there for us during all of our very hard times. He is here with us now, while I write, while you read, while we formulate this path of ours. He was with us in the movie house, helping us understand what has been going on.
Go to this movie. Take someone who isn’t quite sure yet. Buy them some popcorn, and a greater-than-16 ounce-beverage for the show. (Mine was the 54 ounce monster!) Learn from it. Know your opponent. Understand the thinking. It’s not just Obama. There are many more terrible surprises to understand. Then let’s formulate OUR path through November to restore the Constitution, regain control of the wasteful spending and fix our economy American Style. We can do this!
Take care, God bless and especially at this time in history,
Tom Kiley