Be Encouraged 2/26/12

Howdy all!  Another Sunday coming with the pundits claiming they have the big story of the day.  You know, one of the GOP candidates will make a gaffe, or throw a stone at another one, and they got it on tape!  Oh so clever those journalists (sic) are.  I can’t wait to hear those great questions.  You know, “How many chocolates did you really eat at that candy shoppe in New Hampshire?”; or this one is a good one, “How many of the letter ‘I’ are really in Mississippi?”

Any hoo,..

I am counting on the LORD; yes, I am counting on him. I have put my hope in his word. ~ Psalm 130:5

Bearing this in mind, and seeing that sectionalism has since arisen upon this same subject, is that warning a weapon in your hands against us, or in our hands against you?  Could Washington himself speak, would he cast the blame of that sectionalism upon us, who sustain his policy, or upon you who repudiate it?  We respect that warning of Washington, and we commend it to you, together with his example pointing to the right application of it.  But you say you are conservative – eminently conservative – while we are revolutionary, destructive, or something of the sort.  What is conservatism?  Is it not adherence to the old and tried, against the new and untried?  We stick to, contend for, the identical old policy on the point in controversy which was adopted by our fathers who framed the Government under which we live; while you with one accord reject, and scout, and spit upon that old policy, and insist upon substituting something new.  Abraham Lincoln, Speech at New Haven Connecticut, March 6, 1860.

Ok, I had a little fun with pundits (or is that pun with fundits).  But when you read the quote from Lincoln you can see how eerily similar it is to today’s problems not only between democrats and republicans, but more closely to establishment republicans and conservatives like tea parties and 9/12 groups.  The conservative groups like the tea parties want to remain close to the structure laid down by the founders, yet the establishment wants to play by their own rules, which they seemingly find more lucrative.  And the democrats want the entire GOP structure to collapse, so they can do what they want with no interference.  This is not what the founding fathers envisioned.  Or is it?  Did they see political party infighting?  Absolutely they did!  They had it themselves.  So why wouldn’t it happen with their descendants?  And as in Lincoln’s speech, there was tremendous infighting then; over slavery.  Today, we have been experiencing the infighting and cross party fighting for a long time now.  And it’s over slavery – slavery of American citizens by the government.  We are forced to work hard for our pay.  But a major portion goes to the government.  The more we work, the more we make, and the more we have to give to the government.  And the present federally elected employee in charge keeps trying to find ways to take more.  It gets more ridiculous every day. 

So, what to do?  Well, we know by the writings of our founders that there was divine intervention during the development of our nation.  We know that throughout our nations’ history, we have been guided by His hand.  So, why should we look anywhere else for support?  We all have rights and responsibilities as citizens of America.  These rights have been given to us by our Creator, as so eloquently stated in the Declaration of Independence.  So, we must work together, with the establishment and the conservatives.  We need to focus on what the nations was founded on, and how.  We must count on Him.  We must put our hope in His word to save our nation.  And, since the Lord helps those who help themselves, we must take on the hard part.  Be involved, be vocal.  Do not be violent, but do not be silent.  Our nation does not belong to any one individual or group.  It belongs equally to us all; everyone, of every color, every creed, every increment of society, every section of every city, town, suburb, and rural free district. The tea party movement does not want to take over the nation.  We do not want to overthrow any part of any government entity.  What the tea party wants is to return the government structure back to what the founders designed, developed and passed down to us all.  Equal rights, equal justice, and equal freedom for all.  Martin Luther King summed it up the best, when he dreamed that one day his four little children will live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but the content of their character.  Exceptional words from an exceptional man.  These great, simple words of wisdom were spoken for his children.  Yet, they speak out to us all every day.  They speak to republicans, democrats, conservatives, liberals, libertarians, progressives, independents, OWS, Tea Party, EVERYONE!  Can we all just get it right?


Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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