Howdy all! What a night for Rick Santorum! And what a night for true conservatism, and the first amendment! The first multiple state primary/caucus night, and the former Senator went 3 for 3! HAT TRICK!! And did you notice he won every single county in Missouri? What an outstanding feat! It is well known that Santorum's Roman Catholic background, as well as his family values, are very strong and very conservative. Recently he had been overshadowed by the bickering between Romney and Gingrich. Tonight, Santorum comes out way ahead! Congratulations to Rick Santorum.
Jesus replied, "You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. ~ Matthew 22:37
There is a certain enthusiasm in liberty, that makes human nature rise above itself, in acts of bravery and heroism. ~ Alexander Hamilton, The Farmer Refuted, 1775
In the past few days, while much attention is on the primaries, POTUS has done something I as a Catholic and retired military veteran am infuriated with. To tell chaplains they must support gay marriage; to tell chaplains they cannot read the letter from the Catholic leadership that discusses the Catholic stance against the government mandates of abortion and contraception; to turn down the request from the Bishop, who requested of POTUS personally, to allow the chaplains to read the letter from their religious leaders to the military congregations; this is ALL in violation of the first amendment. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,.. Telling military chaplains of the Catholic faith they cannot follow their religious teachings? IS THAT NOT PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE?? And if the cheap ambulance chasing lawyer side of the POTUS even thinks for one moment that HIM saying no is not the congress passing laws, then here's a couple of facts to refute.
1) POTUS signs approval for any law that comes from the Congress, so he IS bound by the first amendment clause.
2) IF he thinks his verbal direction to the chaplains is NOT making a law, then we do NOT have to follow ANY one of the executive orders he has shoved down our throats. I mean, hey! If one thing he directs is not a law, then NOTHING he directs is a law.
We all have certain enthusiasms in liberty. Tea party involvement, conservative activities, rallies, getting involved in elections and every way we have; they all show our enthusiasm to replace POTUS. That enthusiasm makes our human nature rise way above everything. Our acts of honor, integrity, bravery and heroism shine through, and our elation in victory makes it that much sweeter. But, we must not forget our strengths: family, friends, and most of all our Creator. As Jesus said, we MUST love the Lord our God with all our hearts, soul and mind. This is a command from our savior. A COMMAND. He is above any leader of any nation on earth. So His word is prime. That is why the pilgrims came to America - religious freedom. That is why the first amendment discusses the freedom of religion BEFORE it discusses the freedom of speech - religious freedom.
We all have the opportunity to get involved. It is true that we always did have this opportunity. But we did not recognize the need. Well, our ostrich heads are out of the sand, and for the last four years we have taken notice. The time to restore our Constitution, our economy, and our strength as the greatest nation the world has ever seen is NOW. Get involved. Run for office. Volunteer. Write. Discuss. Don't be violent, but don't be silent. We are the people of WE THE PEOPLE. Let's conduct ourselves as such and take back our country.
Take care, God bless,
Tom Kiley