Be Encouraged 2/9/12

Howdy all!  What do you think about Tuesday's sweep by Santorum?  What I've read so far in the lame stream media as well as the 'RINO files', is shear bedlam.  Seems like the establishment in the GOP took one in the shorts, and are scrambling for a way to regain their control over us.  Gee, it sure sounds like a bunch of Democrats. 

Any hoo,..

Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. ~ Colossians 3:23

Ambitions must be made to counteract ambition.  The interest of the man must be connected with the constitutional rights of the place.  It may be a reflection on human nature that such devices should be necessary to control the abuses of government.  What is government itself but the greatest of all reflection on human nature? ~ James Madison, Federalist No. 15, 1788

Mr Madison says something very revealing here.  Government is the greatest of all reflection on human nature.  We send people from our neighborhoods to represent us in the capital.  When they are all together, they should reflect the nation in their actions with diversity; TRUE diversity, not the forced crap that is shoved on us to satisfy a few.  The diversity of our nation is supposed to be extremely visible in the chambers and halls of our government buildings.  Sadly, this is not the case.  Those who represent us in DC are not necessarily there for us.  They are there for themselves.  They make laws to tax the people in order to fund their little pet projects.  They make rules for themselves that benefit only themselves, all the while using the money we send them to pay for their fringe benefits.  They also have the audacity to set up health care plans at our cost and retirement plans to be paid in full after they finish their terms, as if their presence in DC is a JOB.  In reality, they do not reflect on human nature.  And we have let them do this to us.  We have not developed the ambition to counteract their ambitions.  We have not developed the devices to control the abuses of the fox guarding the chicken coup.  They have forgotten the basic fact of governmental representation that their actions must be connected with the constitutional rights of not only the government, but more importantly the people.  It's almost as if they have perverted the verse from Colossians; they are willing to work for themselves rather than the people.  That has to stop.

So, what to do?  We can vote them out.  We can revolt.  We can keep our heads in the sand like good little ostriches.  Or we continue with the efforts we've undertaken for the last few years.  I choose the latter.  Obviously revolt may have more permanent consequences than we are ready to accept, for now.  Voting them out is only as good ans for as long as the next election.  And I hate when I get sand in my ears.  We must continue with rallies, web sites, chatting, teaching ourselves, then teaching our kids and grand kids.  Save your rally signs.  Keep them for when people look back 30-40 years from now and ask how did these refounders know what was right?  How did they do it?  We are all refounders.  All of us.  Those of us who write; those of us who read.  Those who go to rallies; those who go to forums.  Those who vet candidates on the internet and those who go to 'meet and greets' and ask the hard questions.  We are following the advice from Colossians 3:23.  We are working willingly as though we are working for Him, not the people.  By doing so, we not only please Him, our results benefit the people far more than what we can do for them directly.

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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