Howdy all! Well, a good week for all, eh? Got to see the democrats unite behind all the common goals they have like uh,.. uh… unity, and diversity, and uh,… Obama and, Solidarity, and,.. OH and what about their strength in religion? Pretty good, eh? Too bad they don’t have a clue on anything tangible, like unemployment, debt, military strength, or even how to determine 2/3 majority.
Any hoo,..
I will answer them before they even call to me. While they are still talking about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers! ~ Isaiah 65:24
Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the people; and not for profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, the people alone have an incontestable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to institute government; and to reform, alter, or totally change the same, when their protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness require it. ~ John Adams, Thoughts on Government, 1776
“Gifts from God”
How much of the convention coverage did you really watch? I had a hard time watching either one. But there were a couple of people that I did want to hear from. I could listen to Clint Eastwood say anything, almost as much as listening to John Wayne. The critics said he rambled, and was disjointed in his speech. I guess there was no way around that for him since he had no prepared speech and figured out what to say just before his introduction! But, how many empty chairs did you see afterwards? And doesn’t an empty chair now mean something completely new and encouraging? YES!!!! And all from the top of an 82 year old’s head. That was great! And what about the DNC? What inspiring speech came from there? Could it be the vote to amend the platform to re-include God and Jerusalem? How about the immediate reaction to the result? I think (truly I do) that the closing prayer by Cardinal Dolan was fabulous. And what strength of character for him to go into the lion’s den and give the prayer he did. And did you see the pictures of those in the audience during the prayer? They were following him throughout. Only one or two disapproving looks. What does that tell you about the democratic party, let alone the empty seats? Maybe they were saving a spot for their glorious leader to sit by them. Too bad that Clint didn’t give his speech before the RNC. There weren’t any seats saved out during the entire convention. All the seats were taken. No one knew to save a seat for Barry. Oh well.
Gifts from God? You can’t deny the gift of Cardinal Dolan praying for 5 minutes and not getting booed off the stage. Clint Eastwood speaking from his heart, not even the GOP teleprompter could do so well with words. And then, there is Barack H Obama. What? BHO is a gift from God? Yes, he is. You see, as mentioned in Isaiah 65:24, He was answering our prayers even before we knew we needed to pray; even before we knew we needed His strength. President Obama is a gift from God, because without his self-centered, narcissistic need to put himself in front of everything, we might not have known about progressivism, or the Marxist socialist movement in America. We may never have realized that our future was going to be taken from us and our children. We may never have known about the coming attack on our Constitution, if he hadn’t spoken to a plumber during a campaign stop in Ohio. Heck, that plumber might still be a plumber instead of running for Congress without Bobo. The Sleeping Giant might still be sleeping if it wasn’t for Obama. We might have lost it all, even before we knew we were losing something! And the tea party might still be a distant historical fact, or a game that 5 year old girls play in the den. And you thought Joe Biden was the only one with the gift of gaffe.
So, we should thank God for the gifts we have received; Clint Eastwood’s enlightening talk, Cardinal Dolan for exceptional wisdom and strength, and Barack Obama for waking the Giant.
Take care, God bless and especially at this time in history,
Tom Kiley