Be Encouraged!


Howdy all!  And welcome to the October Surprise!  Did you see it Wednesday?  It was amazing.  It’s been a long time since it has happened.  But now we know the picture is clear.  It is still possible, even in these days, for someone to actually win baseball’s Triple Crown.  Congratulations to Miguel Cabrera of the Detroit Tigers.  He ended the baseball season in the lead for best batting average, most home runs and most runs batted in.  They say the horse racing Triple Crown is extremely rare.  Well the last Triple Crown winner (Secretariat) won it 6 years after Carl Yastrzemski won the MLB title.  So, which is more rare?

Well, there is so much more, but baseball rules!  Anyway,…

God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. ~ James 1:12

They define a republic to be a government of laws, and not of men. ~ John Adams, Novanglus No. 7, 1775

Ok, a lot can be said about the debate.  In fact it has been said.  Therefore I will try not to duplicate it.  But there is something to think about.  Why did all the MSM pundits react as strongly as they did?  Do you think they were surprised by the strength of Romney’s performance?  Was it Obama’s weak performance?  I think neither.  I think it was the fact that their own cover up, the shroud of facts about the real Obama economy, and Obamacare were left naked on the stage.  Romney did fine.  But his speaking the truth in public about Obamacare, and the lies from the President about Mitt’s policies were displayed in all their glory.  So, the media was left with no protection from their own lies.  They had to admit Romney did well.  They had to admit that Obama did poorly.  That’s the only way they could hide their own guilt.  And most importantly, we finally had the moment the republic sorely needed.  The ‘rule of man’ concept was damaged, maybe irreparably.  The rule of Obama the Usurper has been dealt a terrible blow.  And the rule of law may be coming off of life support.  Remember, Article IV, Section 4 states that we are guaranteed a republican form of government; the only guarantee in the entire Constitution.  That guarantee received some TLC Wednesday night.  We have all waited so long for that life support.  We finally received the breath of fresh air needed to overcome the stench of the newspapers and TV journalists decaying in the corner with their lies.  And, Mr. Romney’s words of the Declaration of Independence and of the inalienable rights granted us from our ‘Creator’ were like the blessing from God mentioned in the verse of James 1:12.  Certainly, we have patiently endured the testing and temptation.  This blessing sure does feel good.  Thank you Lord!

Take care, God bless and especially at this time in history,


Tom Kiley

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