Howdy all! You know what?
Me neither.
But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. ~ John 1:12
The executive branch of this government never has, nor will suffer, while I preside, any improper conduct of its officers to escape with impunity. ~ George Washington, letter to Gouverneur Morris, 1795
Oh, if only these were words in the oath of office for Presidency. Wait a minute; there are words to the effect in the oath that’s in the Constitution. They are sworn, (or have affirmed if they don’t like the O word) ‘support this Constitution’. So, by not supporting it, they would be violating the Constitution, right? Then why aren’t any of those who have purposely violated the Constitution been held accountable? Could it be, because those who should have violated the constitution themselves? No, that would never happen.
Actually, it has happened. It is happening, and those managing our government are lax in their responsibilities. So they need to be fired. Every single one of them in a managing position need to be replaced. Remember, don’t call them leaders. They couldn’t even lead a rain drop to fall down, let alone lead a nation. I will admit there are a few federally elected employees who could be considered leaders. But the majority of them are lemmings with no other lemming in front of them, so they have no path forward to success.
In the verse from John we understand that those who believe and accept God have the right to become children of God. Let’s project that on the situation with our federally elected employees and the roles they are supposed to fill. Those who believe and accept the Constitution as the true law of our great nation will have the right to become, or continue to be considered leaders of our nation. They need a wakeup call. They need to be employed elsewhere. We need leadership, not management. And don’t leave out those in the hiring process. Whoever becomes President must know they will be held to the same standards of excellence we expect all the federally elected employees are.
Take care, God bless,
Tom Kiley