Howdy all! Well, busy and crazy at the compound as always. But I am determined as ever to make it through, no matter what the circumstances. I mean, I keep telling them I like chocolate but they keep giving me vanilla ice cream! Man, when can I get some relief??
Any hoo,..
For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light. ~ Matthew 11:30
Republics are created by the virtue, public spirit, and intelligence of the citizens. They fall, when the wise are banished from the public councils, because they dare to be honest, and the profligate are rewarded, because they flatter the people, in order to betray them." --Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution, 1833
This is so cool. Every time I get a quote from Joseph Story I get these chills, because he is so in tune with today. Most of the founders were prolific writers. And it is so amazing how prophetic they were. They DID know what they were doing, and they DID know what we should expect from those who would see our republic falter. Take today’s quote from Story. Does it not fit into the situation we are all facing today? We have an administration led, oops sorry, managed by a dictator-in-training. While more evidence arises about his qualifications to manage, he dumps another Executive Order on the nation, which takes him one step closer to martial law. Now I’m not trying to get you riled up. That’s his job. But he wants control. How can he get that kind of control with the Constitution in place? Only by dissolving it or setting it aside. But wouldn’t that also mean that the states are no longer bound to the federal government? Wouldn’t they all then become independent sovereign countries?
So, what to do? Well, contact your representatives, your senators. Give them an ear full, read them the riot act. What have they done to question this executive order? What will they do? When?? The Constitution allows for the people to be the leaders. The Declaration of Independence also gives power to the people to abolish the government and start anew. Vote is one way. But ending the silence is the more direct way, and gets the point across quicker. And, it also gives the federally elected employees their notice, and chance to save their positions. So do so. It might seem hard. It might seem futile. But listen to the words of Matthew. The yoke we are given is easy to bear; the burden we all are carrying right now is light. In other words, no matter how hard it might seem, we can do it! Yes, we can do it! It is NOT impossible. In fact it is highly possible. And each day we try, each call we make, each discussion we have about this with someone new makes it easier, and easier, and easier. The burden becomes lighter; the yoke becomes easier to bear.
We will do this. We will save our nation, our Constitution. We will get our economy back on the track it is supposed to be on. We will give our grandchildren and their grandchildren a future in the America we grew up in. As long as we are not ostriches with the head in the sand, or a lemming walking off the well-marked cliff, our founders work will be safe for generations to come. We may not see the restoration in total. Some may not see it begin. But know that we will succeed, and believe that our efforts now will be worth it. I know it will. I know it deep in my heart, it will be worth it. I know we will succeed. Why? Because we have to. And if someone comes to my door and says I must follow the executive order of the present manager in the oval office, I will not comply. I will not comply with an unlawful order. I will not. Amen.
Take care, God bless,
Tom Kiley