Howdy all! Gosh, is it Wednesday already? I know I have missed sharing with you here and there, like yesterday. But halfway through the work week already! And like I said previously, this week is turning out to be a very big week. Life changing moments for some even. I mean, even my little granddaughter found out how hard the window sill can be! Thank goodness the fat lip will not be permanent. It does give her a little character though, and she is still sooo cute.
Any hoo,..
All of us, like sheep, have strayed away. We have left God's paths to follow our own. Yet, the Lord laid on him the sins of us all. ~ Isaiah 53:6
Men must be ready, they must pride themselves and be happy to sacrifice their private pleasures, passions and interests, nay, their private friendships and dearest connections, when they stand in competition with the rights of society. ~ John Adams, letter to Mercy Warren, 1776
So, the good news; there are thousands, perhaps millions who are following the message of today's verse and quote. They are involved, holding signs, watching, listening, sharing what we have learned from the SCOTUS. And there are probably just as many who are not. Some have even strayed away due to frustration, and exhaustion. To those folks I say, take the rest! You are needed so much, but not to the point you run out of gas when your efforts will be needed most. But for us all, we cannot lose sight of everything that goes on. The mandate case in DC is one of the most important cases this or any SCOTUS group will ever hear. But, it may not be the biggest issue we need to monitor. Fast and Furious, Governor Walker, primary season, World Bank nominee, and many many more. We cannot let these issues cause us to stray away. We must be ready to sacrifice at least some of our private pleasures and interests to keep these types of issues in the forefront. Our society as a republic deserves no less than sacrifices we make to protect it.
Take care, God bless,
Tom Kiley