Howdy all! So, my day on Monday went surprisingly smooth. “Steve” the Great Dane actually walked into the car (he had to duck to get in but,..) and the vet visit went well. No biting, no barking, no excessive slobbering. If only the primaries could go this well.
Any hoo,..
The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant words are persuasive. ~ Proverbs 16:21
The right of freely examining public characters and measures, and of free communication among the people thereon ... has ever been justly deemed the only effectual guardian of every other right." --James Madison, Virginia Resolutions, 1798
Why do people, ordinary citizens, good Americans want to know about the background of our President? Some say that it’s because of the tabloid mania that grips everyone when they see those crazy headlines at the checkout counter. You know, the ones that say Elvis had a love child born just last week – born to an illegal alien from Jupiter. But, the vast majority of the people would like to know who is in the White House. I don’t just mean now, I mean always. Taft, Johnson, Nixon, Jefferson, Obama, Bush(s), Adams(s), Reagan, Jackson; Americans are always curious about their managers. If we weren’t, there would be no presidential libraries. So it isn’t far from reality that so many Americans would be concerned about our present top federally elected employee’s extraordinary efforts to prevent any documentation from being made available for public review. The initial desire was to see the history of how this person came from where he did to the Oval Office. The fascination was to understand the truly historic path to the presidency. Now, that fascination has turned to skepticism, and conspiracy theory, furthered by recent revelations disputing the veracity of what has been released. If the present administration had any sense of their place in history, they would have made the information available immediately. Had they done any reading of any founder, they may have stumbled upon the writing from Madison here. People want to know that those employed by the people, charged with protecting the rights and sanctity of our nation, will actually do that; plain and simple. We the people always want free and open communications among ourselves, and our elected officials. Those who have acted wise, and understood the desire of the people, made sure this desire of the people was satisfied, and dealt with early and finitely. Those who may have had something to question have always had a fair chance to speak to those ‘indiscretions’, because they were up front and honest. Those who were (and are) secretive, have always been held to more scrutiny. They always will. And so it is that we have a president who is not trusted by many. And I mean MANY. His lack of understanding this concept has prevented the fair exchange of pleasant words between himself and his employers; We the People. The saddest part is, the continued lack of trust many Americans have for Barrack H Obama stems from this lack of communications. The socialistic actions he, his administration and the Congress have taken only exacerbate the lack of trust, lack of faith We the People have in our managers.
PS: I’ve started to use the word manager instead of leader when it comes to politicians. A manager is one in a position expected to be a leader. There is no guarantee that manager will be a leader. Conversely, a leader is not necessarily a manager, but has the ability to lead people through any issue, problem, project with strength. For example, President Obama is a manager. And even though he is now running for political office, ‘Joe the Plumber’ was a leader, who had the strength to ask the candidate Obama a question that drew an answer that opened millions of eyes around the world. Try it; the RNC and DNC are the party management team; they are not leaders. You get the idea.
Take care, God bless,
Tom Kiley
God bless you, too!