Howdy all! Well, I miss a couple of days and whew! It’s Friday! But all is well; constitutional crises, socialism and communism bedding down in the White House for as long a stay as they can. Yeah I didn’t miss anything yet. The only good news is that Robo-Dog might get his bionics removed next week! That’s when the zaniness begins. Ever let loose a Great Dane after it had been penned up for six weeks?
Any hoo,..
The LORD is my light and my salvation - so why should I be afraid? The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble? ~ Psalm 27:1
All see, and most admire, the glare which hovers round the external trappings of elevated office. To me there is nothing in it, beyond the lustre which may be reflected from its connection with a power of promoting human felicity. ~ George Washington, letter to Catherine Macaulay Graham, 1790
‘So yoo wanna be an elected official, enh? Yoo got any money? Yoo got any frennds with money? Huh? Yoo want to make money as an elected official?? HA! First yoo gotta give the money, then, and maybe then yoo get some.’ OK. Maybe getting coopted is not so subtle. Maybe there are better and easier ways to get the people’s money in your bank account. Wait,..
Seriously, even in Washington’s time there were those who aspired to be elite in government, just for the fame and fortune that was ‘expected’ of the position. His message speaks to that. It also mentions what he thought of political office. There was nothing to it, except the ability to help the people. Imagine a man who aspired to the highest office in the land, and he only saw the office as a means to help people. Wouldn’t that be nice today? Wouldn’t that be extraordinarily nice today? Instead, we see these men on our TV; hear them on our radios; begging to be your federally elected employee. And the national cumulative thought is ‘we don’t trust a single one of them.’ Why? So many reasons, but the general reason is that they are doing it for themselves first. So what are we to do? Should we trust any single one of them? How do we? Well, first we need to do what Andrew Breitbart was going to do. VET THEM! Search the internet. Find what you need to find. Read what you need to read. Share everything you find. Then, turn to your Creator. As said in Psalm 27:1, the Lord is our salvation, and our fortress. He will protect you. He protects me and those I love. Of that I am absolutely certain. Why should I be afraid? Why should you?
Take care, God bless,
Tom Kiley