Be Encouraged 4/15/12

Howdy all!  Tea party rally day!  Took the 17 year old son of our friend, and my lovely wife.  She has a way with words that I could never approach.  And when she met some of the folks there in Richland WA, including our local fave Clint Didier, she got validated.  In other words, her voice which is much more, .. to the point than mine so to speak, has now been given the green light.  I guess she will be running for office soon.  Maybe you will see me soon in a runoff against Todd Palin for first dude!

Any hoo,.. (yes dear I won't be long!)

Be on guard.  Stand firm in the faith.  Be courageous.  Be Strong. ~ 1 Corinthians 16:13

There is not a single instance in history in which civil liberty was lost, and religious liberty preserved entire.  If therefore we yield up our temporal property, we at the same time deliver the conscience into bondage. ~ John Witherspoon, The Dominion of Providence over the Passions of Men. 1776

How many liberties have been assaulted over the past few years, or few decades for that matter?  Even the word freedom has been assaulted.  Conservatives want freedom from tyranny, while liberals want freedom to smoke pot.  We want to maintain our right of free speech to hold our federally elected employees accountable.  The progressive liberal OWS people want to maintain the freedom of speech so they can elaborate on their words by defecating in public on a police car or a flag.  And now freedom of religion, which by the way is written in front of freedom of speech in the first amendment, is under assault, by mandating the availability of contraception and abortion products be made by even those organizations which hold that in violation of their faith.  Witherspoon's quote is from 1776.  This is 2012, 236 years later.  I ask you what has changed since he first spoke of the loss of liberties.  We have been losing liberties for a while.  Now the effort to remove liberties has moved into high gear.  Religion is in the sites even now.  Look at what is going on between the Catholic church and our federally elected employees!!  OUR EMPLOYEES!!  It is time to take up the direction found in 1 Corinthians.  Be on Guard. Stand FIRM in the faith, whichever faith you follow.  Be courageous.  And be strong.  It will not be easy.  You will be harassed for your position.  Example WA state government has been lame and useless in finding a way to get a balanced budget.  Mostly because the majority party (the ones who have an ass for a logo) like what they see in DC, so they mimic the fed govt.  Well, enough democrats jumped the aisle and the WA state government has actually voted for a republican backed, balanced budget!  The down side, the democrats who were brave enough to do the right thing have been harassed by thugs and union dorks from SEIU because they did the right thing. 

We all need to get involved, at what ever level we can.  We must get our family, friends and neighbors to see the light.  Or at least get them to understand what the dark will look like if they stay 'neutral'. 

This is not so much for us as it is for the 17 year olds of this country.  They must be shown what the future holds.  Maybe they will stop playing video games and go out and get a job.  (And don't tell me there aren't any.  After my last six months I am absolutely positive there is a job for everyone out there right this very second!)  So, Be courageous, be strong, and STAND FIRM!  And tell those young whipper-snappers to get off their donkeys and get a job!  Best way to teach them about our capitalist republic.

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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