Be Encouraged! 4/19/12

Howdy all!  How are you surviving the week?  Well, it's Thursday, so not much further to go until we can start all over again!

Any hoo,..

The Lord is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him. ~ Psalm 103:13

Would it not be better to simplify the system of taxation rather than to spread it over such a variety of subjects and pass through so many new hands. ~ Thomas Jefferson, letter to James Madison, 1784

Did you hear that the democratic run Senate has decided to NOT submit a budget until after the election?  So, we as a nation will have waited for a total of 1293 days, give or take a trillion dollars or so, for even an attempt at having a Senate budget submitted.  So, why again do we have a financial crisis?  I know what Jefferson would have said.  In fact I've shared it with you!  He would be upset because the present administration along with an inept, corrupt, vile, incorrigible Senate and an almost as bad House have done exactly what Jefferson warned against; the spread of the people's taxes over such a variety of subjects and passage of the money through sooooooo many hands.  Simplify it?  Well, there are two ways out there that would simplify the tax codes so much that either could alleviate the economic crisis within one or two years.  One is the Fair Tax which already has a bill number (HR 25).  The other is the plan devised by Herman Cain, the 999 plan.  Rick Santorum even had a plan to reduce the tax rates to only two.  Mr Romney unfortunately wants to revise the tax codes by adding 59 more points to the present codes to do something, although I'm not quite sure what.  Wish I knew what that something was.  But even this would be better than the plan the democrats have.  You do know what that plan is, right?  Sure you do.  We've all heard about thistype of plan before.  Just remember, if there are unused checks in your checkbook, you have enough money for everything!  That's the Senator Conrad plan.  He must have found a couple of boxes of unused checkbooks in his office supply closet.  At least he is sharing them with his fellow democrats so they all have enough money to last until December.  We conservatives (true conservatives) instead must control our own urge to spend.  No doubt, we also have the need and want to spend money like the spendocrats.  The challenge is to maintain control, use common sense, and understand that those checks in the checkbook have no value without an account balance.

Maybe Conrad should give some of those checks to Obama.  Wouldn't it be fun to watch him try to pay for the next vacation with insufficient funds?

The Lord is like a father to his children.  We need to be like parents as well.  Tender and compassionate, but also stern enough to say when enough is enough.  We have been doing this in concert for over three years now.  We have been doing this individually for yeeeeeears.  Soon, we parents will take the toys away from the federally elected children.  Then they can all go in their rooms and sulk without any more toys.

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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