Be Encouraged! 4/28/12

Howdy all!  Can you believe that this year is days away from being 33% over?  Four months over.  That will be a momentus night.  I think I will have to order my party sub and party fixin’s soo!

Any hoo,..

For the Lord grants wisdom! From his mouth come knowledge and understanding. ~ Proverbs 2:6

The invasion of private rights is chiefly to be apprehended, not from acts of Government contrary to the sense of its constituents, but from acts in which the Government is the mere instrument of the major number of the Constituents. ~ James Madison, letter to Thomas Jefferson, 1788

When the good Lord was handing out the wisdom, he surely didn’t short any of the founders.  If might be a bit difficult to decode some of their writings, but that has no bearing on their knowledge and understanding of where they are and where they are going.  Madison says the acts of the government taking private rights from the people must be stopped, but you can’t trust the government to stop on their own (it’s that fox guarding the henhouse idea).  Instead, it’s the will of the people, We the People who must lead the charge to have the government stop violating private rights.  Here’s an example I mentioned a while ago, but now have received some verification.  Obama and his cronies all have this notion that the illegal immigrants actually like him and would (and in many instances will) vote for him in November.  I said some time back that the truth is the Latino and other migrant population is now seeing the light about the executive orders and horrible legislation from the Obama leaning government.  I told you that farms may have to leave their crops unharvested due to a lack of workers.  They seem to have realized that the out of pocket cost of Obamacare, on top of the other legislation has basically emptied their wallets and pockets.  Since the ‘big money’ will not be there, the answer is to go home.   Well on the radio this morning, the report was sent out.  Fruit farms around Washington State will have to leave many crops unharvested.  The reason?  The workers are going back home.  They cannot afford the increased cost of the free health care.  The report said that there are more farm workers are leaving the country than entering.

The bottom line:

  1. The immigrant/working alien/illegal alien population does NOT like what has happened with their healthcare.
  2. They DON’T like Obama.  At least they don’t like him anymore.
  3. Those who vote, and plan to stay here to vote, will most likely vote someone other than Obama.
    1. Remember when there was so much discussion about the Latino vote, and how they will shape the election?  I guess all the talk was right, only the side they would choose was wrong.
    2. The only places you will hear about the Latino support for Obama is in the lamestream media.  Don’t trust the LSM.  You knew that, right?

Don’t fret so much over the scuttlebutt about the Latino vote for Bobo.  Consider the source; the lamestream source.

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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