Be Encouraged! 4/29/12

Howdy all!  I hope you all had a good Saturday!  And may your Sunday bring you all the joy and peace the Lord has to share.  And He has a whole lot of that to share!  Amen to that!

And don't forget to do good and to share with those in need.  These are the sacrifices that please God.

~ Hebrews 13:16

The People of the United States possess in a high degree a spirit of liberty.  That is the principle which is natural to the human mind.  We love to have the command of our own actions and the direction of our own interests.  Our minds rise with indignation against oppression and tyranny.  These natural feelings have never been eradicated from our minds by subjection to the will of the tyrant.  But that freedom with which the principles of liberty have been discussed, that ardour with which they have been inculcated upon the public minds, that long struggle for liberty which has called these principles into action, have so fixed and confirmed the spirit of liberty that it must and will long continue to be a ruling principle of our actions, and guard us against the encroachments of tyranny. ~ “The Principal Circumstances Which Render Liberty Secure”, ‘The Republican’ to the People, 1788

Ladies and Gentlemen!  This is it!  When I came upon this writing, I couldn’t believe what I was reading.  Read this and I am certain you will agree.  This, my friends, my fellow patriots is the quintessential definition of a tea partier.  And it was written during the public debate on the Constitution in 1788.  And, we don’t need a government to mandate we do good and share with those in need.  We already have our instruction from Him, as evidenced in Hebrews 13:16. 

And you wonder how I can continue doing this for over 2 years!  I love doing this!!!!!

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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