Be Encouraged 4/5/12

Howdy all!  Been a great day at the Kiley compound.  Had a lot of folks praying for me in my quest for re-employment.  Well thanks to those prayers, my quest has ended!  Got a call today, and was offered a position at a really good company, offering a great salary for a challenging job which is what I was looking for!  What else could be better!  Now the ironic part.  Also received a letter in the mail; more like a statement/payment notice.  And from all places, the state unemployment office!  Seems their records show that I was over payed.  Huh??  Guess it's true that God sure does work in mysterious ways.  And it seems He also has a good sense of humor!!

Any hoo,..

So if we have enough food and clothing, let us be content. ~ 1 Timothy 6:8

Objects of the most stupendous magnitude, and measure in which the lives and liberties of millions yet unborn are intimately interested, are now before us.  We are in the very midst of a revolution the most complete, unexpected and remarkable if any in the history of nations. ~ John Adams, letter to William Cushing, 1776

So, alright.  We are not in a physical revolution.  But politically the revolution is ongoing.  Whether we are being fundamentally transformed, or restoring our Constitution and limiting the government, we are all involved with a revolution, of the most stupendous magnitude.  If the Constitution is not to stand, then we will have to conform to some other form of government.  And I can see that some, if not most or all of the states may bow out of any new form of government, which would end the united part of the name.  And many of these states will have trouble maintaining their sovereignty due to the fact that their constitutions vector to parts of the US constitution.  Example; Washington State's constitution does not have its own qualifications for federally elected positions such as senator and representatives.  It instead states that the qualifications for federal elections are found in the US constitution.  So they will need their own constitutional convention.  I believe that the US Constitution will stand throughout this form of revolution being waged, because of the mess that would follow, because the states would want their sovereignty back, and because the winner would have nothing to show for it.  So, as we a prepare for the coming election, the administration to follow, and whatever political or economic havoc that may ensue, remember what is said in 1 Timothy.  If you have enough to get by, then be content.  Our republic will survive.  After all, the Constitution has only one guarantee in all the articles and amendments.  Article IV, Section 4.  'The United States shall guarantee to every State in this union a Republican Form of Government'.  Can't get any more content than that.

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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